After hearing from both his neighbours and college, one exasperated stepdad (Domonic) has had enough and confronts the ill-mannered lad Austin (Austin Cook) and is presented with even more bad behaviour, so without hesitation he deals with him there and then.
Starting with the stinging Riding crop
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And then a damn good spanking on Austin’s already painful backside. That should wipe that smile of his face!
Naughty stepson Austin
Angry Stepdads 25 – in 1080p Extra High Definition
Angry Stepdads 25 – in Standard Definition
An HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Austin’s ass is one the best, so spankable. Especially when raised in the air with hole and balls showing. Only regret that his ass didn’t really get red
Austin’s arse looks quite red to me and considerably still quite nice he was one of those lads like Rudi who had an incredible bottom in his early videos and it still looking plump. See all that spanking boys is good for you keep those buns fresh!
I also think this set-up works for me Austin is in uniform but he is spanked at home. I do love when the lad is spanked at school/college and comes home and is spanked by dad DOUBLE WHAMMY especially when he is caned at school then hand spanked at home that’s my favourite – a hand spanking on top of cane marks gets me excited.
Great to see Austin back and in his school uniform. His well rounded bottom looks a picture when raised on his bed. More of him soon please, we have not seen enough of him lately.
Oh, ye gods of Spankers’ Heaven! It really is just the cat’s ass to see young Austin back after a lengthy break – and what’s more, back over the knee where all naughty boys truly belong! He looks as cheeky and as provocatively spankable as he ever did! I thought we weren’t going to see him again, so thanks, Sting, for bringing the little scamp back again for a good smacked bottom – long overdue by now, I should imagine!
One of the positions in which a boy looks really spankable is when he is laying on his tummy with his bottom sicking up! And Austin is the positive proof of this, as the film opens with him laid across the bed in those grey shorts! I never thought any boy would wear those shorts as spankably as young Finn Harper wears them, but I didn’t count on seeing Austin in them. I think that after this, Sting just HAS to show the lad being disciplined in a school scenario, bending over in those shorts for a good caning or a hard slippering – preferably bent over the desk. I know that a number of us went on at some length until we got a clip with Finn being laid over the knee in the short shorts – I shouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t a similar call to see Austin spanked over the knee in them too!
As Austin has shown himself to be a confirmed coloured underpants wearer in the past, I felt there was little likelihood of this video being ruined by the boy wearing white boner-killers, but of course, you can never be sure until that spankiest of moments when the shorts come down to reveal what is underneath. So I was relieved when Austin removed his shorts and we found that he was wearing light-grey boxers (which clearly were going to need tightening for punishment) that were the perfect length for discipline!
In the role-play, naughty Austin clearly knows what is expected of him as he rolls over and sticks his bottom up for a good whipping! A riding-crop is a truly awesome instrument of punishment – I am glad I was only ever thrashed with one once. My guardian gave all out neighbours permission to physically discipline me and his own sons if he thought we needed it. One fateful afternoon, one of my cousins and I were in a neighbour’s garden pinching his raspberries, of which he had many. Unfortunately, he caught us – well, me, at any rate, as my cousin managed to make a run for it. I was taken into the house and bent over the arm of a chair! The neighbour used a riding-crop to whip my bum till I was yelping in agony! The thin, short nylon football shorts I was wearing over an equally thin pair of underpants provided almost no protection at all, and when I had an opportunity to check the damage, the cheeks of my bottom looked like a couple of strawberry ripples! (Maybe that should have been ‘raspberry’ ripples, haha!)
The effectiveness of the whipping followed by Austin being laid over Domomic’s knee for a characteristically thorough spanking is shown in the gingerliness and obvious painfulness with which he pulls up his pants and shorts when the punishment is over! Twenty out of ten, as ever, young Austin!
I hope Austin is back to stay for a while at least – and, please, Sting, don’t leave it too long to get him back into those short shorts!