Some senior students get the idea they can do what they like as the closing years of their education approach. One such boy (Finn Harper) is constantly bunking off from college, but now he’s been rumbled and reporting to his Housemasters study.
With no plausible explanation and having received numerous warnings he’ll now be bending over to take the cane! Firstly across his tight shorts…
Click on the Read More tab below to see what happens next!!
……. and then down to his bare bottom!
He rightly deserves it of course and even as a senior he’ll be stripping off his shorts to go over the master’s knee for a darn good spanking to follow! All in a days work for the strict Mr Stone.
Colonial College 9 – in 1080p Extra High Definition
Colonial College 9 – in Standard Definition
An HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Oh wow! Perfect start to the weekend. Have bought it already. Thanks Sting!
A little harder and Finn should be touching his Toes ( The most basic standard requirement ) it would be a 10 out of 10 Video and being a bit different to the others Finn has done
Many thanks Sting
I really am so sorry, because I always try to keep my comments positive, but I’m afraid I am disappointed.
While I always love watching young Finn getting his well-rounded bottom smacked, this video just felt like a remake of his last ‘Housemaster’s Study 16’ clip. After that last delicious little film, there was a clear call to see Finn spanked in those short shorts and I have been looking forward to another naughty schoolboy scenario where we can see him laid over the knee and smacked hard! I’m sure, if the long set of comments on ‘Housemaster’s Study 16’ were anything to go by, I was not alone, and I have to say that it was something of a let-down not to see the opportunity for such a scenario being made use of.
It is a pity, because even standing up straight in those shorts, Finn looks almost impossibly spankable! What I’m afraid put the tin hat on it for me was the boner-killing white underpants, especially when this lad has a pants-drawer containing the most smackably coloured underpants, all of them a perfect length for punishment! Please, Finn, put those white passion-killers at the bottom of your pants-drawer where they belong (if indeed they belong there rather than in an incinerator!). I know that some guys, for reasons best-known to themselves, are turned on by the sight of a boy in white underpants, but Finn has plenty of much more exciting alternatives to use as spankingwear! A pair of coloured underpants would have clinched my buying this film – as it is, it will not be forming part of my vast collection of much-loved Sting films, I’m really sad to say.
Sorry to be so critical, because I can’t deny that watching the video preview and seeing Finn caned over his shorts was just the cat’s ass! I’m inclined to agree with Robin that Finn should have been touching his toes, if for no other reason that it would have added some variety to reduce the similarity with ‘Housemaster’s Study 16’. On the other hand, he does have a very cheeky and provocative way of presenting his bottom for discipline, and this element is very definitely not lacking here! A good example of verisimilitude being sacrificed for sexiness!
Finn’s last caning was a spanker’s dream! Please, Sting, PLEASE, let us see our dream of the young rascal being spanked in those short shorts come true!!!
I have to agree with some of the comments regarding this video which I do reluctantly.
Finn should have been made to touch his toes and disciplined harder. I also feel some of his acting is now a little bit over the top. It is also a near carbon copy of his last video. Do not agree with the good Doctor about his underpants and thought they were quite ok.
Finn is hugely popular and my number one choice. His last video set the bar extremely high and maybe my expectations were a little unrealisitc this time around. I do find myself agreeing with the good Doctor and was left a little dissappointed. The repsonse from Finns last video was nothing short of Phenomonal and maybe an act too hard to follow. But with some different directional choices maybe it could have been an equally exciting video. It did feel a little too similar to Housemasters Study 16. Echoing the good Doctor we were hoping for a long good spanking over Finns short shorts. And I also have to agree the underwear was also disappointing, Finn has worn some great underwear in the past, including his last video – this time around some very tight fitting dark blue briefs would have hit the spot perfectly. Weather this time around it was a wardrobe dept decision or Finn slipped up in his choice – but the underwear is a very integral part for me.
I think James and Finn did a great job with the parameters they were given, Finn as always looked sensational and Finns facial expressions and delivery are exceptional so my disapointment lies at the door of the directing. Please keep bringing Finn (and James) back.
Thanks to those who have given their feedback on this which has been noted. As they say it is not always possible to please everyone every time.
One point I would make however, is with regard to Finn’s pants. The pants he was wearing were, in fact, not white, but a light shade of pink. I am aware that a number of commentators prefer darker coloured, or patterned underpants, however, it must be remembered that there are a lot of people who retain a fondness for “tight white” pants, especially in stories set in the 1950s and 60s. Sting needs to try and please all their fans, hence, white undies will make an occasional reappearance from time to time.
Rich O’Shea advised me that the pants were in fact a light beige rather than pink
Wow I thoroughly thought I was picky but I don’t think I’ve ever complained about the colour of a models underpants… I’m impressed! Giving a run for my money now.
Haha! Touche, Luke!
As it happens, I need to issue a massive apology and a retraction of what I said above. I have now acquired this video and I take back everything I said! The caning over Finn’s shorts was just the absolute best! (Sixteen of the best, in fact!) He is just SO smackable in those short shorts, whether he is standing up or bending over! That is a nasty-looking cane, thick and horribly supple! I would guess it is the ‘senior boy’ level – perfect for inflicting the stinging pain that young Finn clearly is feeling as the whippy rod sears into his cheekily-protruding bottom!! James knows just where to hit and it is apparent from when Finn first bends over to receive his punishment that he knows he is well and truly in for it! As the cane lashes down, first over the errant young lad’s short shorts, then over his underpants (always my favourite part of any spanking!) and then across his phenomenally spankable naked buttocks, he looks once or twice as if he is on the verge of tears – which is how things should be with any boy if he is being properly and effectively disciplined!
A huge apology to Finn himself and also to Richard and anyone else involved in this video, about the colour of the boy’s underpants. The problem was that I always watch the video preview before deciding whether or not to buy a video, and I had only watched it in the reduced screen format and on my computer, Finn’s boxer-briefs looked white. Talk about ‘a bad workman always blames his tools’, eh? Having seen the full video, I realise that Finn’s pants were indeed coloured underpants – a light and delicate shade of pink! At least that’s how they appeared – I am happy to defer to Richard’s saying they were light beige. The important thing is that they were coloured pants and not white ones. Sorry, Finn, old son – I should have known you wouldn’t let down those of us for whom these things matter by wearing white boner-killers! Just one little thought, that’s all – boxer-briefs without seams up the seat make for a more spankable appearance, as there is nothing to mar the smoothness of the seat of a pair of underpants as they stretch over a wayward youth’s bottom!
The last scene is one I always appreciate Sting including, where a boy is dressing himself again – I always find watching that a serious turn-on! I loved watching Finn gingerly easing his underpants over his smarting, lacerated bottom, and then putting his shorts on and leaving the room, a sadder if probably not a wiser boy!
What a duo! James, so wonderfully stern, and the drop-dead gorgeous Finn, so endearingly submissive and yet somehow never losing that lovely cheeky air that he retains even under the severest discipline!
I love it!
Please could I conclude with an unreserved apology once again to young Finn, James, Richard and Bruce and anyone else involved with this super little video?! Please could I also reiterate my request, for which there still seem s to be a definite call – please, please, PLEASE, could we see Finn laid over the knee in those short shorts for a good spanking?! And – only a thought – to see this beautiful young god of Spankers’ Heaven wearing a pair of dark-coloured briefs for a good, hard, OTK smacking would be a dream come true!!!
While I agree it would be the cherry on top to see Finn otk in these very nice shorts can I just commend sting for taking on board feedback from fans and the introducing the tighter shorts/clothing , and for getting such a stunning lad like Finn back so many times for a good otk spanking
I agree with Callum 250%!!! The addition of those spankably short shorts to the Stinglads’ wardrobe is one of the best things they’ve done (among so many!)!
Just further to asking about Finn being spanked over the knee in those shorts, I’d love to see Sting getting really traditional and using the slipper across his bottom!
I’m glad to read the Dr has changed his mind on purchasing this video!
And I’ve got to agree with comments above – these shorts are truly amazing and I for one am incredibly grateful that Sting have taken on board all our constant nagging for shorter school shorts.
I would also agree, I’d love to see Finn in them again, spanked over the knee in them. Maybe a scenario where Finn returns home and is spanked over the sofa by a step-father figure? Or even another scene where he is enjoying the contents of the shorts (a la “Hard Times for Finn”) and gets caught in the act
I think the shorts would also look great on new boy Tim Ptacek.
These shorts are so reminiscent of the ones that Jonathon used to wear over at Magic Spanking Factory many years ago, which were excellent. I’m so pleased the team at Sting have adopted them – and hope to see them many more times in the future.
One thing we can always be sure of is that when a Finn update is released the comments section lights up.At times some may differ on certain stylistic preferences but Sting has given Finn the perfect home to showcase his talents. And thanks Sting for listening to the comments and taking on board some of the suggestions.
Thanks for a hot video. The colour of pants does not bother me, white is good, any colour is good, as long as they are tight. He could have been caned harder, and Mr Stone knows how to do that (of course I always want Mr Stone to also feel the cane). Overacting will be abolished if hard enough caning leads to natural reactions
Well done Sting Team. At first glance it might seem like a remake of HM16 but on second glance it was a different reason for the penalty. But if you look at it like that, every new film would somehow be a remake
poor Finn had to pay for his misdeed and the strict teacher punished the boy badly. As an alternative you could have spanked Finn wheelbarrow:-) it’s about time that Ronan Keene felt the cane and Andy Easton finally ended his vacation 
best regards
I’m not criticising individuals here, but as a frequent recipient of the cane across my bottom in my own schooldays, I wouldn’t be so sure about Finn overacting – if anything, his reactions seem quite restrained compared with how I’ve seen other lads respond to caning in a real educational setting. I’ve seen big lads emerge from the headmaster’s study clutching their smarting, lacerated buttocks, with tears running down their faces, while I’ve been waiting outside to receive the same! However, it would be interesting to see if a harder caning would get the same result with Finn – he has looked on the verge of tears at times!
Would love to read more about your experiences, Doctor. Do you write stories for MMSA?
Was wondering if any thought had been given to releasing an extended photo shoot special of Finn in his shorts for purchase. The photos on the blog have been great from the last two videos.
Also Finn in the great outdoors has been a real highlight in the summer months with ‘Scouting for Trouble’ ‘Cadet Harper’ and ‘Jimmy Bunks Off’… huge favourites. Hopefully something is planned maybe a Scouting for Trouble 2 or Cadet Harper 2?
More Finn please!
The seamstress we use has adjusted a few pairs of shorts to fit more snugly for future shoots. Also, as summer is now here a number of outdoors shoots are planned
Thanks for the update Bruce. Will look forawrd to more of Finn outdoors and indoors. Special thanks ot the seamstress too!