A treat for Finn fans and pants fans
Posted by Dr van Spanking in today’s Saturday Spankables at JockSpank. Our own Finn Harper in very enticing pants, not from a Sting video, but in a scene from Luca Visconti’s Autumn Loves, which can be seen at Boy Fun
Oh yeah he needs to be spanked in a pair of tight fitting briefs where you can see the bottoms of his ass cheeks.
Finn is a cute boy, and those skimpy briefs look very fetching on him. However, I am not a twink fan. A bigger, handsome, more muscular guy like Ryan Torres, Leonardo King, Ryan Conway, Luke Radley, Travis McKinnon, etc. would look even more fetching in skimpy bikini briefs.
Agree with Joel bring back Finn in some tight fitting briefs.
@ethan I nominate these for Finn and make them just as TIGHT. Hehe.
This photo is indeed a super treat and a major thrill, as is the opening sequence of ‘Autumn Loves’! The very lucky young man massaging Finn’s gorgeously smackable thighs (and with his hands all over Finn’s phenomenally spankable bottom, as you’ll see if you watch the film) is Darin Flipfuck, who also looks fetchingly smackable in a pair of royal-blue designer briefs! The only thing missing from the film is a spanking!
Just to add…. you’ve ignited quite a few imaginations featuring the Photo of Finn in those briefs. Would Sting consider featuring Finn in a similar pair of briefs in one of their own videos in the not too distant future.
I’d like to see that with young Finn in a school corporal punishment scenario with Finn in a pair of skimpy briefs and wearing the short grey shorts – preferably laid over the knee! That would be the cat’s ass!!!
@ethan I nominate these for Finn and make them just as TIGHT. Hehe.
I second your nomination Joel. Perfect choice!
And I third it, Joel! For anybody who’s considering a change of heart and joining the No Smacking Brigade, this is the sort of photograph I’d get them to look at to make them realise just how wrong they are!
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Hi Szymon
Studio jest w Czechach. Możesz wysłać je e-mailem na adres stgpictures@msn.com wraz ze swoimi zdjęciami
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BOY OH BOY Finn in those tight briefs what a picture this is i would love to see Finn in angry dads over the knee having his bottom and top of his legs spanked in those briefs it would be so nice hope you may think about this.Thank you for making my day,
I absolutely agree with Mel! Not only is being laid over the knee the very best position for a spanking, but it is the only position that would do justice to how spankable young Finn looks in those briefs! It just SO would be the cat’s ass to see this cheeky, naughty lad spanked over the knee in a pair of briefs! How about it, Sting? There is clearly a demand out there!
Dr. Van Spanking frequently makes excellent contributions to this site. I’m most appreciative. I also want to make a greedy request. I would love to see some pics of Finn wearing red, white, and blue briefs. USA all the way! Thanks to all who contribute to this site.
Any news on Finn and those briefs? Finn wore some great underwear in his latest video but Finn in briefs would be very appreciated! If not, then speedos, cycling shorts,tight boxer briefs all acceptable