Sting 25 year Anniversary
A Brief History Of Sting
Yes, it really has been 25 years! Sting Pictures posted out their first VHS cassettes in 1993. Many youngsters today actually wouldn’t know what a VHS Cassette was but they were cutting edge at the time. In fact some Sting videos are even older than that! Parts of the content in the famous “Punishment Book” series were actually shot in the 80s. However, 1993 was when Sting was officially launched as Male Spanking video provider.
Competition was sparse back then with only a few US based male spanking studios, of which our friends at Man’s Hand Films is the only one remaining from that period, with almost nothing of note left within Europe.
Back in those early days how was it done you ask without the ubiquitous handy-cams so much used today? It just so happened that Rich was working professionally in the film and TV industry so early shoots were made possible with borrowed and expensive cameras, which had enough quality to make high end video. There was no web site either, the world wide web was in its infancy, so the videos were marketed via advertising in Gay Times and other publications. You had to send for a list of films and the VHS tape you wanted was then posted out in brown jiffy bag.
Initially, although production was undertaken in the UK, Sting chose to base themselves officially in Amsterdam. It was still dark days in Britain and adult material had to be certified by the BBFC and 18 certificate gay adult films still weren’t even allowed to depict a male erection.
Rob joined Rich and leaving their original studio in Vauxhall, they opened a larger studio in Barnet North London. It was there that iconic spanking films were made and spanking stars like Paul, Brett, Matt Mills, Tigger, David and Vex were born. In that period, in addition to the Punishment Books, Sting produced classics like “Grey Shorts” “Instruments of Persuasion” (1 and 2), “Asian Incident”, “St. Datchet’s Academy” and, of course, the Sting Double Bill, which introduced the two popular series, “Discipline DownUnder” and “1900 House of Correction”
However it wasn’t long before the British government was making rumblings about the legality of BDSM films, spanking being particularly singled out. The sensor finally would allow them but when it did the law was so grey in its meaning that Rich and Rob could see the writing on the wall and decided to act. Why not leave the UK altogether?
Following more recent developments in the UK, it seems this was a wise move
Various options were considered, however, a very pleasant weekend trip to Prague made their minds up. They found the Czech Republic to be the perfect place and joined other successful studios there such as William Higgins and Bel Ami in using East European models to mark a new era of spanking films.
During Sting’s years in Prague they have introduced fans to popular East European actors, such as Dexter, Darren, Leonardo King, James Holt, Travis McKinnon, Joey Whyte and Robin Palmer, together with Marco and Damien Drake. who are now part of the Sting team.
Sting produces regular short downloads, usually at least once a week, together some new full length Epics, such as “The Brothers” “Reformatory USA” and “School Daze Detention”. Through the years Sting have set a bench mark in spanking film production which others have followed.
So what of the future. Eleven years on, and as Rich says ‘I can’t go on forever’ but with Rob and the trained Czech staff on hand, and new ventures in to CFNM spanking, a site for that and Hornet site expansions will no doubt keep them busy. There are also film production businesses outside of the STG sphere so all in all its going to be busy future if nothing else.
Some Exciting Celebrations of Sting’s 25th Anniversary will follow!
Would you make a gallery with photoes of all tutors and those, who got punishment and names. Thank you.
The main tutors and Disciplianarians are:
Rich and Rob
Johan Volny
James Holt
Mike Cross
Dr Barton
Tom Eisenberg
Rado Zuska
Apart from Rich and Rob, there are links to photos of them in the right hand side bar of this blog, together with the names of all the guys who got punished, together with links to their pictures in the video they have appeared in.
Because of the numbers involved I would have to create a huge posting were I to post individial pictures.
I only can say “Congratulation” and “Thank you so much Richard, Rob and the whole team” . A lot of people lives (mine for example) would have been sadder if Stingpictures had not existed.
I must congratulate Sting on their anniversary and really appreciate all the wonderful models and films they have provided over the last twenty five years. They are the hallmark of quality in their field and long may they continue to be. Well done Rich, Rob and the rest of their team.
This was an interesting read and I love the header poster.
Bravo to RIch, Rob, Marco and the entire gang! I don’t know what I would do without Sting! Happy, happy anniversary!
Many congratulations, long may your great work continue!
What a proud story. CONGRATULATIONS! You made my (and not only my!) life so rich, that you will always be deep in the minds of many a guy on this crazy planet.
Well done Rich, Rob and all in the team. You have done and continue to do a fantastic job and cater for our differing needs with polished, professional high quality products. You are also very good people with whom it is a pleasure to do business and this has been the case from the start (I still have some of those original cassettes). You have every right to feel proud of your 25 years during which you have served your customers so very well.
I absolutely love the quality of your work, the handsome actors, and the realistic spankings! Silly question, do any of the actors have “fan” webpages one can express their appreciation of their work? My favorites are Leonardo King, Damien Drake and Jose.
I hope you, your entire team, and all your actors, are as proud of your films as I am grateful for them – and for you. You might take yourselves for granted, but I never will. Christ bless you & yours this Christmas.
These real nice messages expressed many thoughts I wanted to write….
I can only tell one day I’d like to meet someone of Sting’s staff, so that I can know these real great men!
Best Wishes from Italy
A great read and disappointing to read about the censorship in the UK in the 90’s. Not sure it’s even getting better now. I recently got into your site after you started doing the CFNM. They are my favourite and I buy them all. I would love for you to film a scene with the 2 boys Robin Palmer and Allessandro Katz with the 2 older women Lili Peterson and Kathy Anderson who you featured in your recent scene. That would be incredible.
Is sting still up and running?
Hi Draco
Yes, Sting is very much still up and running, releasing a minimum of one new video every week (often more) you can see details on the home page of this site, or on the Sting website
Feel The Sting