After spending most of the summer lazing around and not attending his football club, Tom (Robin Palmer) has allowed himself to get out of shape which is having a knock on effect for the rest of the team.
The coach (Ryan Conway) is not impressed and lets Tom know that very quickly after finding him lazing around in the locker room.
It is time for the coach to get Tom to shape up and over the knee he goes for a good spanking on his full backside starting on his shorts …
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…..and finishing on his bare bum, Tom now realises the coach means business!
Next the coach returns with a hard gym slipper so it is time for Tom to bend over and take a good slippering to his already spanked bottom. Lets hope this does the trick and Tom gets back in shape!
The Coaches Cure 7 – in 1080p Extra High Definition
The Coaches Cure 7 – in Standard Definition
An HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
This is wonderful. Robin once again perfect almost as if he never stood back for several years.
To see that beautiful bottom albeit a bit bigger than in the old days spanked and slippered was superb.
The scene was timeless. Thank you Robin and sting. More please.
I have always purchased Robin’s videos and it is great that he is back but he can no longer pretend to be a teen. I think he would be much better as a spanking top now, as a rival to Marco. Given the work he has done on other sites perhaps he can be persuaded to take part in some Hornet productions.
Robin was always good with the final quip to camera or with the background activity while someone else was over Marco’s knee – I hope he will keep up with these witty activities.
Excellent scene. I like the older, chubbier Robin. He cannot be a schoolboy any more, but certainly he is a young man who needs more guidance… And Ryan dish it out well. Though I look forward to him getting it again. Perhaps the team manager and his cane could have a chat with coach Ryan…?
Czy Robin też występuje na innych stronach internetowych?
Macie jakieś inne fajne strony z filmikami lanie?
Translation: Does Robin also appear on other websites?
Do you have any other cool spanking sites?
Uważam, że Robin pracował na innych stronach, takich jak:
używał różnych nazw,
Patrik Billy, Lubos Zeman, Roberto Sanchez & Sanchez Paolo
Mamy dwie strony z klapsami:
Witam. Pisałem na waszego e maila w sprawie dołączenia do waszej drużyny.
Chciałbym dostać lanie. Ale nikt mi nie odpisał. Jak się mogę skontaktować w tej sprawie
Translation: Hello. I wrote to your e-mail about joining your team. I’d like to get spanked. But no one answered me. How can I contact you about this
Cześć. Nie możemy znaleźć żadnego e-maila od Ciebie, z wyjątkiem bardzo krótkiej wiadomości z 2021 roku. Czy możesz napisać jeszcze raz, podając kilka informacji o sobie (takich jak wiek i lokalizacja) oraz dołączyć dwa aktualne zdjęcia.
Hello. We can’t find a record of any email from you, except a very short message in 2021. Can you please write again giving some information about yourself (such as your age and location), and include two recent photographs.
Pod jak email pisać?
Przepraszam, założyłem, że znasz adres. Wyślij e-mail do
Napisałem. Ile trzeba czekać na odpowiedź?
Producent otrzymał Twój e-mail. Wkrótce odpowie. Możliwe dziś lub jutro