Discipline at Pine Valley Reformatory is well maintained. Workshops have to be attend on time and fooling around soon gets jumped on. The Warden knows its his job to put these wayward juveniles back on the straight and narrow. The old wooden discipline paddles are kept busy often colliding harshly on the bare backsides of the more badly behaved inmates!


One would be trouble maker is Mitchell (Robbie Kasl) He’s been acting like a gangster and the Warden is going to make example of him. He’s sent for a visit to Officer Sharpe, this no nonsense man knows how to get results and its usually with his right arm!





Taken across the knee for a spanking is a good start to Mitchell’s return to common sense. His bare bottom is going to be burned and burned well. He bucks and yelps as the spanking gets more intense but no resistance will dissuade Mr Sharpe from delivering an exemplary punishment. 







Finally he’s let up but can see that his fate is really painfully sealed.


The officer has grabbed a nicely honed wooden paddle of the shelf and is ordering him over the frame. As with Garcia the time honoured sound of wood on bare skin echoes round the room. 







The boy’s butt is red raw truly on fire, he’s been taken down a peg or two and knows it. Time to behave has been well imprinted on to this insolent young man’s bare bottom!



Robbie Kasl


The second scene from The Reformatory



For Garcia (Johnny Hayward), the workshop is not a place he likes to spend a lot of time in. For him a smoke outside is far better. Well, it is until he’s caught red handed by the Warden!
Taken to be dealt with by his Senior Officer, the Warden intends this time he will learn a sharp lesson.



Mr Clinton starts with a good hard over the knee spanking something this older lad is not used to getting. He reddened butt of course has not seen the last of this punishment, the finale is yet to come. 










Officer Clinton’s holed paddle has some history having been brought to this Reformatory from another in Alabama. It’s blistered many an arrogant boys butt and now its lining up to do its painful job yet again. 





The cracks ring round the room and Garcia’s bare backside is severely scorched. His firm buttocks are burning now and attending workshop on time in future seems a much better idea from now on!




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By Bruce

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