Scroll down for the Preview Trailer for Drunk in a Drape Coat, a Story of domestic discipline 1950’s style, staring Toby Haines
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Drunk in a Drape coat is available in the quality levels
Isn’t the idea you show the trailer first. Who the hell is marketing sting? Must be chimps! I like sting but cmon get with it.
Yes we go a bit behind with the trailers due to the re building of one of the editing set ups. It was a choice of catch up and get them out which we though people would prefer or not having trailers for some of the films at all as some studios do. As the films often re sell as classics and need trailers we went ahead and put them out later. There will be quite a few more till we catch up and they will then go out concurrently or just before the film..
Contrary to popular belief there are not dozens of staff working here to do this, anyway the Chief Ape, that’s Rich, would like you to know that in fact he enjoys bananas with his cornflakes every morning.
Oh so very funny excuse me while I laugh my guts out
I think out of many of the studios Sting has really got with it. We sure don’t need a cheeky monkey to tell us so. Personally I’m glad now to be able to see the trailers.