Having a job is essential when you are an adult, so if you are stupid enough to quit just because you don’t like the job then you would need a hard lesson, which is exactly what Tim (Tim Ptacek) gets from his step-uncle.
Starting with a good spanking, Tim’s sensitive backside quickly becomes very uncomfortable and hot.
Especially when it’s bare!
And then when he thinks it is over out comes the stinging whippy switch on that throbbing bum. Safe to say Tim will now very quickly start looking for a job
Welcome back Tim, now get those jeans down!
WorkShy Tim – in 1080p Extra High Definition
WorkShy Tim – in Standard Definition
This video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Now also at Spanking Library.
Welcome back, Tim indeed! I normally wait until the preview video comes out before I buy, but in this case I decided to give Tim a try sight unseen. And it was worth it!
Tim Patacek is a nice-looking, athletic lad with a demonstrative acting style. So many Sting models just lie over their top’s lap like a wet blanket and stoically endure their punishment. Not Tim – he kicked his legs, squirmed over Rich’s lap, grimaced, groaned, cried out in pain, and at one point he came close to tears. One could really tell by his body movements, sounds and facial expressions that this spanking hurt! Tim could give spanking lessons to the other Sting models!
There was one minor flaw in this video, however. The loose, baggy boxer shorts Tim was wearing were not enticing; they did not accentuate his bubble butt at all. If Tim had been spanked while wearing a pair of tight-fitting, skimpy bikini briefs or posing briefs, this video would have been even better.
Still, this was a very good video, easily the best Sting video in months. Welcome back, Tim!
Can we hope to see a new tops for 2024 to replace the huge hole that was sadly left behind by Marco?
I do hope so even the return of Dexter Or Johan would be idea or Travis he was always a good top. I know we did see a new top but I hope the search continues… I am not sure how long Finn will stick around for giving that he has grown up a lot but one more trip over Dexter’s knee is a must would it be wishful thinking for a sequel to “What A Dope” this time feat Finn and Dexter.
Anyway Happy New Year to all it was a difficult year but here’s to 2024!
What happened to Eric Spector? The guy seemed like the perfect replacement for Marco but did one scene and was never seen again.
Unfortunately, Eric is no longer available, he moved on to other things and will not be playing a top again.
Great to see Tim back. Those amazing long legs. Hopefully see him a lot more at Sting. Have to agree with Rasputin the underwear was too baggy. The underwear socks and sneakers all add to the scene. Tim wore some great underwear in his previous scene with Sting. More Finn James Holt and Tim in ‘24.
Tim is a busy guy, but we hope to get him back when we can
Agree with the comments above – great to see Tim back. His legs are truly amazing. Might we see him in those short grey school shorts at some point Bruce (think he has worn the longer ones in previous videos). Would be great to see those short shorts return at some point soon in 2024.
I am sure the shorts will reappear at some point in 2024
Tim is a doll face whose butt is slightly “baby fat”. I am certain that Rich and his switch will tighten him up!
Lovely vid. Tim seems a naughty lad with something of an attitude, but very spankable. I hope wesee hem a lot.