Its never your best day if you know you are in deep trouble and have to report to the Housemaster’s study. Today is Danson’s (Lucas Taylor) worst nightmare, he is reporting to Mr Sharpe and of course will be unable to explain away his recent misdemeanors. It can only end one way.
And so it does as the boy bends over to take the first session of the strap.
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It will come to an end only when a good set of stinging leather lashes have scorched his defenseless bare bottom. In actual fact it is only the penultimate end.
Next will be the traditionally long, over the knee, spanking on the boys already raw, previously strapped, bare bottom. Danson will certainly leave the Housemaster’s office today knowing he’s been properly dealt with and that perhaps also he well deserved it!
The Housemaster’s Study 8 – in 1080p Extra High Definition
The Housemaster’s Study 8 – in Standard Definition
A HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Oh man…. please, I beg of you, get these lads to stop shaving/waxing their legs and arses. It’s such a lust-killer.
Hi Seb
Different people have different tastes, some of us are fans of “Jacob” whereas others prefer an Esau, if you will excuse the Biblical analogy. I am afraid it is fashionable for a lot of younger guys to shave and even wax these days. Not all of them of course, Trevor Dunst keeps his lower extremities very furry, and I am sure you noticed Jerry Bosack had foregone the razor for some time when he made his last appearance.
Sting do try to appeal to all tastes where possible
I’m on Seb’s team here, but I always prefer guys to be real and natural just as they are.
Thanks HRH
I noticed yiour taste for “natural men” from your kind contribution to Today’s Saturday Spankables over at JockSpank!
Hi Bruce
Im just doing to interject into your reply here as you are in fact wrong. The model in question doesnt shave or wax, he is in fact naturally very smooth. You may want to change your reply and mention that so it kills the whole shaved/not shaved debate from rambling on. The lad can’t help it if hes naturally smooth.
Hi John
Thanks for your contribution, I believe you are right that Lucas is naturally smooth skinned and does not need to shave. What I meant to say was that many of the young guys do shave off their body hair, it’s fashionable and quite often their girlfriends prefer it. Some studios ask a model to shave, Sting does not do that, although they have been known to shave the boys themselves!
This is another brilliant production.
Young Lucas looked every part a sixth former and I adore smooth bottoms and thighs etc. Good to see a boy bending over properly and his school trousers showing off a bottom being punished. When we move to pants scene how nice to see these clinging nicely to his crease. The bare strapping is the icing on the cake and seemed to bring Lucas close to tears.
With the over the knee finale we see excellent positions nice private bits and a boy whose face shows a lot of pain. Well done Lucas, Marco and Sting.
I do not agree with Seb. Lucas (or Lucky?) is extremely hot without hair, especially bottom and anus. However I understand everyone has different tester…
I hope Lucas/Lucky can be played soon again, perhaps in tighty whities and anus fully exposed with legs on air.
Could you tell something about him? Thanks.
Hi Fabio
He is Lucas Taylor (Not Lucky Taylor, that is someone else, I clicked the wrong button whn setting up the posting) he is 19, and when he’s not getting his bottom spanked, he is a student who lives in Prague and like most young guys, he enjoys the night life, perhaps a little more than he should, Hence I am sure the spankings he receives are well deserved!! I also believe he is a keen soccer player and enjoys cycling and most sport. That is really all I know
With all that sporting background of Lucas’s, I’d love to see him in a pair of short sports shots! Perhaps that might be a future scenario – feature him in a Sports Report episode?
What a delightfully cheeky little scamp – he looks so cute and SO naughty! Just perfect for Sting movies! And clearly a very committed wearer of coloured underpants! One of those boys who is clearly less conservative about the colour of his briefs than some of the lads who feature regularly in spanking movies. I know I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, because I can’t emphasise it enough – for me it’s made all the difference to these wonderful school scenarios I love so much that the boys are allowed to keep their own coloured underpants on for corporal punishment! It adds interest – and anticipation as the spankings lead up to that moment when the lads have to take their trousers down!
I hope we’ll see a lot more of this delectable young rascal! A school video with him and Finn Harper being caned over shorts would be the cat’s ass! Maybe something to suggest to the team, Bruce?
Hi Dr van Spanking.
I have passed your suggestion on to the Sting director, so maybe we will see Lucas in thight sports shorts in the near future
I think most studios do shave the guys bottom I myself am not fussed either way I don’t mind a little hair as it’s manly but personally too much isn’t attractive but thing is for sure just leave those legs hairy!
Thank you very much Bruce!
Lukas looks a very little rascal and he should be disciplined very often…
I really hope he will be spanked again very soon in tighty whities (or speedos to watch his upper body naked) and anus fully exposed with legs on air.
cute little butt )))
Sadly, too many Sting models seem to shave either bottoms or legs or even worse both. Jaydee Black was a case in point. Please discourage young Finn Harper from undertaking this practice. His legs look a lot better with a bit of hair, just as nature intended as would Lucas Taylor’s.