Borstal Correction 2 – back inside is a reformatory based download Staring Brad, David, Danny and Brett, together with Dr. Barton Rich and Rob laying on the stripes
Description: Following the first download story Borstal Correction, now follows Borstal correction 2. In this story Sting lads Danny, Brad, David and Brett play young inmates Haines, Adams, Roberts and Stevens. Rainsford Borstal is run on strict lines and any infringement of the rules is met with a swift response by the Governor (Dr Barton) Out of the four lads we feature inside its Adams who never seems to get the message. Apart from an official birching ordered by the governor he is no stranger to receiving a good spanking and the cane from the senior officers. Haines and Roberts too encounter the cane and strap for various offences of indiscipline while Stevens night time pillow fighting gets him a good spanking from the deputy Governor. Not deterred by this young Stevens seems determined to test the Governors patience and ends up having to choose between loss of remission or a harsh sentence of corporal punishment. What’s his final decision? It’s all in this new hot and CP action packed story Borstal Correction 2 back inside.
Borstal Correction 2 – back inside