Taking a credit card when it does not belong to you is never a good idea, even more so when it is your stepdads, and to make matters even worse he then lets your step brother take the blame is downright despicable, But that is what Liam (Liam Rose) has done.
Kyle (Kyle Polaski) is now facing a painful time and try’s to explain that it was not him who has been using the said card.
But alas it is no use as he has to go over the knee for a good hard spanking and to make it even worse for him he is then back over the knee for a dose of the leather strap.
Much to the amusement and relief of the real criminal!!
As always the truth tends to come out and with the delivery of a parcel with the real offenders name on it it is now time to deal with Liam.
Starting with a good caning while kneeling on an armchair he quickly realise that he has made a big mistake as the cane bites hard on his bottom and all the more embarrassing with Kyle watching on.
He then goes over the knee for a damn hard spanking on top of those red welts. It is safe to say he will never do it again!
Another Painful Transaction – in 1080p Extra High Definition
Another Painful Transaction – in Standard Definition
This video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Also available at Spanking Library
What a delightful duo these two make and great choices of tight fitting underwear. Liam has the potential to become another serial performer like Sting’s ever popular Finn Harper as he has good acting skills and an excellent command of English but please do not shave any more of your legs, they look great as they were meant to be. Perhaps Sting could arrange to pair Liam with his friend, Curtis Cameron, who also has great hairy legs and whom we have not seen for some time.
Purchased and enjoyed. Kyle is such an adorable cutie! Liam ain’t bad either!