

After a short break, here is the latest Caption Challenge.  If anyone can think of a funny, sexy or imaginative caption for this picture, please either add it to the comments section below or post it the old Feel the Sting Blog


The picture is from Approved Education 17

Note: This game is just for fun. No prizes will be awarded

By Bruce

3 thoughts on “Caption This!”
  1. “Now then, angelic-appearance-astonishingly-abating, almost-always-appropriate-arse-anguish-atonement-awaiting, atrociously-asinine-attitude adolescent, absent on academic and athletic A-lists, alas regularly rubbish-looking rascal Robin, remember religiously : this was the last time you got off a dress code offense with a spanking-session and corner time in my office, tomorrow the new headmaster introduces his smart-school-statute system – anyone caught with his tie undone like yours is about daily or missing a button or fidgeting at anything, like his uniform or even a buddy’s boner-bubble like you dared so I had to birch you for sodomy last week, will from now on be caned in assembly in his birthday suit, hollering hell-hound-harshly-hurdies-heathing-hits-hurt humble-hound-he-hood-humiliatingly-heightened-he-hole-heeded, ‘having the hard-way’ his age in crimson cuts plus a dozen per offense-repeat, and has hereafter to drop-trou on his ankles before sitting-down shamefully sometimes-seed-shaft-scared-stiff-standing-seen on the so-simply-stripped sorely-striped-sloth-seat for a month, witch staff-instructions standing to swiftly strap-spank seat-shifters soundly six sets of six slowly sideward-shifting sixth-set straight on the sit-spot and report him to the housemaster, so I can crossly crack the crop criss-cross-cutting and put you over my knee savagely at arrival in the house for every single time that happens, keep you in corner time while dealing with other naughty knaves’ defrocked demerits-discipline and keep your kind pantless –socks-only in summer- as a warning for your dorm-mates dumb-ass dresscode-disregard definitely deserved dumbo-derriere-dooming discipline there-and-then and daily-thereafter. We can’t wait until the next semester-schoolboard-session shall probably stipulate similar systematic-spanking-statutes for swearing, smoking, smuggling, sound-pollution and similar shameful stuff ! ”

  2. Robin you like being cheeky, when I have finished with you, your cheeks will tell the sorry tale!

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