In this USA themed story, Mitchell (Finn Harper) has been sent to Principal Mr Sharpe’s (Marco) office with a letter in hand detailing his constant poor behaviour and bad attitude.
Needless to say Mr Sharpe is not happy about this ongoing issue with Mitchell and decides it is time he learned a harder lesson.
Starting with a hard wood paddle cracking down on the seat of his tight blue jeans …..
Click on the Read More tab below to see what happens next!!
……and finishing on his tender bare backside!
You can be sure that Mitchell is feeling the heat, where it will do the most good.
But Mr Sharpe isn’t finished with Mitchell yet.
To really send the message home, it’s over the knee for Mitchell for a good hard spanking on top of his already well punished butt.
It is unlikely he will be back in the Principals office again for a good while.
Finn Harper stars as Mitchell
Discipline USA 24 – in 1080p Extra High Definition
Discipline USA 24 – in Standard Definition
An HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Can you have the models take off there trainers. In every clip recently they always leave there footwear on and it’s not appealing I’d rather see a guy’s socked/bare feet more so than trainers!
Thanks, I will pass on your comments to the director
Great to see Finn back. Each to their own but I like seeing the guys in trainers/sneakers especially Finn in his Vans and white socks ….. so hot.
Finn looks great in t shirt and ripped jeans and wearing some tight blue underwear. Some great photos especially with jeans and underwear around knees. Finn is always a visual treat with his peachy butt and long legs not forgetting the facial expressions. Thanks Sting.
Hopefully Finn will be back soon in some very tight briefs under his jeans or shorts. Finn in cycling shorts would be another winner.
Naughty Finn has sauntered off on a foreign trip right now, but hopefully we can get him into some tight briefs upon his return.
Hope he’s not away too long
A long hard spanking over some very tight briefs on Finns return would be a great welcome home.
In the latest video it would have been good if Finn had put his underwear back on for the second part. As Ryan did in his latest video . If that could be worked into a scene with Finn in future. Underwear fans would be grateful. And please keep Finn in his socks / long socks.
Happy to add my voice to the Good Doctors too.
Thanks Sting.
I just love the latest offering! And, as ever, young Finn looks phenomenally spankable bent over in his blue jeans and tight, colourful boxer-briefs – a pair I think we haven’t seen him wearing before!
However, although I am rarely one to sound a negative note, I would not only add my voice to the call to see him smacked over a pair of briefs, but would ask the question, why is it that, after so many requests from devoted Finn fans, Sting seems so resistant to that particular scenario?! They were good enough to let us have that amazing little gallery of Finn in briefs – why, OH WHY, will they not make us a film where he is spanked in a pair of them???!!! From work he has done elsewhere, it is clear that it is not because of any objection on Finn’s part to being filmed in briefs! Come on, Sting – what is the problem? Sorry, but like the issue with the short school shorts, I am prepared to go on about this until it happens!
Thanks Doc, I will pass your Feedback on, however, in the meantime, you might enjoy “The Coach’s Cure 5” in which Finn is spanked OTK in a very snug pair of black boxers, when he mistakenly thinks his punishment is over and begins to get dressed before the Coach returns to finish the job.
Sting continues to produce the highest quality work in this genre. So please take this as constructive feedback from an American fan who would prefer a touch more authenticity in American-themed scenarios.
First: Time period. Unlike the UK where caning is now outlawed, it’s still common for teenage boys to get paddled at school in some parts of the United States. In today’s day and age, however, it’s almost impossible to think a guy would be made to bare his backside for the paddle anymore. So, for a bare-bottom paddling at school, an American scene really needs to be set in an earlier time period — like the 1950’s, ’60’s, or ’70’s. Think about the characters and school settings in Dead Poets Society, School Ties, Grease, or even Dazed and Confused. Sting is expert at British period pieces; the same thought and detail could be applied to an American school setting with period costumes for actors (including underwear), etc.
Second: How to paddle. An American school paddling is not a drawn out affair with moderate swats that slowly pinken the skin and build up the sting. It’s a short, sharp ASSAULT with a sturdy paddle on a young man’s behind. An American teen would expect to find bruises on his backside after such an encounter, just as his English counterpart would expect raised tram lines on his behind after a caning. American teachers, principals, and athletic coaches who paddle are men that are used to swinging a baseball bat and/or a tennis racket. They shift their weight as they swing, putting their body into it, so that they hit hard and follow through. Three or five hard “licks” or “swats” from a paddle would be enough to make the point and bring tears to the eyes of all but the toughest American young men. I realize, however, that wouldn’t give Sting viewers enough time to find sexual gratification. So here’s a suggestion for a more realistic scenario that might still turn audience members’ cranks: tell the story of a recidivist who gets paddled on three different occasions by the same authority figure in the same place for the same offense. The first time, it might be three hard licks on the seat of his shorts/jeans/trousers. The second time, the disappointed teacher/principal/coach could give the young man five hard licks across his underpants. And the third time, the outraged disciplinarian could dish out ten hard swats to the bare bottom. (And by the way, while in those days it would have been common for a lad’s father to follow up a school paddling with a bare-bottomed spanking/paddling/strapping at home, it would have been very odd for the school disciplinarian to both paddle and hand-spank the rascal himself. At school, one would expect to be paddled, full stop.)
Third: Different scenarios for different amounts of clothing removed. It’s not hard to imagine a principal in the ’50’s or ’60’s telling a miscreant who has been sent to the principal’s office to drop his pants and underpants for a paddling and bend over the desk (or a chair or to grab his knees or ankles), but it’s very hard to imagine him ordering the guy to get naked. For the principal, this is about imparting the appropriate amount of pain, not about exposure. But nudity (and gang showers) would have been part of the everyday experience in the locker room after PE or a sports practice. So for an athletic coach to paddle a young man in any state of dress — over PE uniform, over underpants, over a jock strap, or completely nude — would feel plausible in that setting.
Just some food for thought for Sting’s future films that are set in the USA.
Thanks for your very informative and thoughtful feedback, I have passed that on to Sting
@american male
That was an interesting read, and you make some valid points. However, I think people forget that what Sting is creating are adult fantasies, intended to entertain and most importantly arouse and titillate. It is not a documentary, it’s never going to be a carbon copy of what happens in American (or British) schools. Meanwhile, real life corporal punishment isn’t intended to be either entertaining or erotic. so 100% authenticity isn’t conducive to adult entertainment. We don’t want a boring clip of a guy pulling his trousers down and taking a few swipes (4-5) on 3 separate occasions, it just wouldn’t translate into something which would satisfy the audience. I mean seriously what next do we eliminate seeing the guy’s balls and penis in a bid to be “more authentic” you also see a lot of genitals in the British themed clips which would be “unrealistic” to the degree but it’s “porn “and it’s that that which me on and a good display of the nether regions are most important (I doubt I’m alone in that!!)
I’m all for recommendations, but this is adult erotica, it’s supposed to allure and stimulate sexual arousal. Therefore, it’s never going to be exact or “realistic”. To me, the appeal of spanking is to stimulate the brain to appeal to the erotic side of things. Discipline USA 24 it must be authentic enough to accumulate such sequels. I really think we need to be careful to not make something boring to the point well yes that’s authentic but repetitive. Sometimes we have to compromise on realism to achieve the eroticism of the fantasy.
Its been awhile since weve seen Finn paired up with James Holt. Could we see a return to Finn and James Holt featured together. Would like to see more of James Holt in any scenario but definitely with Finn.
Always like the ‘last photo’ feature on the blog and great one of Finn here. Could we see another Finn gallery special after Sting did such a great job with the ‘Finn in briefs’ collection.
Liked the new guy Gary Kral hope hes back soon. Maybe a Gary and Finn feature at some point.
Hope Finn is not away too long his fan base will start to get restless
Thanks for this production. I must say I agree with our American friend that I would like to see so hard authentic paddling, if possible.
Great to see Finn back once again.
I think Finn is now fast approaching his 50th video with Sting. Any chance the team might do something special to mark this Bruce? Maybe a Hornet video with Finn on the receiving end – in his short school shorts? Or maybe the tiny shorts he wore in the “Cadet Harper” video a couple of years ago?
Thanks as ever to you and the team – and to Finn of course!