An empty black board in a classroom is too temping, especially when the chalk is there too and nobody is about.
That’s what Lewis thought (Evan Novak) when he left an obscene drawing hoping it would get seen by his English teacher, Miss Stephens. Unfortunately it was seen by the Headmaster too and the budding boy impressionist was soon to discover.
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Now it was time to make an impression on Lewis and deliver some stinging artwork to his rear end! Nothing better than a swishy rattan cane bought down hard on to a firm round bare bottom.
Nothing better also than to follow that with a good spanking. Henri Matisse once said ‘creativity takes courage’. Lewis is certainly going to need some of that this day!
Draw In Trouble – in 1080p Extra High Definition
Draw In Trouble – in Standard Definition
REALLY NICE video, gents! Really enjoyed it. Bravo!
rather funny story and nice butt !so close feeling like our teen time
although l am a Chinese,waiting for the video
An absolutely classic traditional caning scene! I particularly appreciated Evan being allowed to wear his own coloured underpants for his punishment!
This lad plays th part of the shamefaced and chastened naughty schoolboy brilliantly!
Yes Evan plays the part well.
He looks a typical 6th former and has such an innocent look on his face which when standing waiting to be punished shows his tension about whats to come.
Another nice bottom well disciplined but the Rich of old would have put more zip into the caning as the likes of Paul, Brett, Robbie and Danny could confirm.