Bunking off from duties isn’t the way to do your good deed for the day as one lad (Finn Harper) was about to find out.
Caught by the leader (James Holt) he’ll be getting new colours, red ones on his bare backside. Drinking alcohol is definitely not on the list of good practices.
He is sent to cut his own switch, with a good idea how it will be used.
Click on the Read More tab below to see what happens next!!
And, its not long before its peeled and swishing cruelly down on the boys bare bottom.
But it’s not enough to complete the task.
That won’t happen till a good spanking has been applied to the lads now very sore rump.
Even a dip in the stream wont ease the sting in his burning bottom. Next time he’ll be more prepared – not to be caught that is!
Finn Harper as the misbehaving scout
Finn’s Scouting For Trouble – in 1080p Extra High Definition
Finn’s Scouting For Trouble – in Standard Definition
An HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Too tame for me.
I don’t think many people would find switching “tame”, certainly Finn wouldn’t after that. Sting videos feature strict and painful, disciplinary, corporal punishment.
If your requirements are more extreme, one of the Russian studios on Clips4Sale may be more to your liking.
Love this setting. Might it ever be possible to have another stinging nettle spanking scene. I’m not sure if there has been any since instruments of persuasion 2 but that was an amazing scene.
Hi Bojangles
There have ben a few newer nettle spankings / birchings since Instruments of Persuasion 2.
Robin got a nettle birching (followed by two spankings and a slippering) in “Un, Deux, Trois, Doleur (One, Two, Three Pain)” https://feelthesting.net/category/one-two-three-pain/
Austin Cook got it in “Austin’ Discipline 1900” https://feelthesting.net/austins-discipline-1900/
David Haines was spanked with nettles in “Another Sting in the Woods” https://feelthesting.net/another-sting-in-the-woods/
Also Karl Frazers first ever Sting video “The Wine thieves” featured a nettle birching https://feelthesting.net/les-voleurs-de-vin-the-wine-thieves/
I hate the stinging nettles!! It looks awful leaves horrible bumps on the models skin and it’s very cruel!! I hope not to see anymore of this activity!!!!!!
But there are so many things you hate Luke, I try to keep a list but it keeps growing. I am afraid there may be more nettles at some point, they are quite popular, even I find them quite fun!
Lovely Scene and Dialog! as always I love it! I post a lot of material on my site and I get feedback from my viewers and followers via email and they always tell me how much they enjoy the site. I am privileged and honor to promote your work.
This is great.
Sting have done so many clips with Finn now that it must be hard to come up with new scenarios for him. But I’m certainly not complaining, Finn is by far my favourite Sting model and it is excellent that he keeps coming back for more!
Love the outfit, anything that has Finn in shorts showing off those muscular thighs is a win with me.
He is just so naughty, you’d think he would have learned his lesson by now. Thankfully for us though he hasn’t.
Perfect for the weekend. Finn looks absolutely amazing. Superb setting and story line. Also good to see James back with Finn a great combination.
The photos of FInn in the shorts are perfect and love the underwear! Just one request – maybe more shots of Finn bending over in those shorts and underwear.
Finn is my favourite model and I think Sting is the best at showcasing his talents.
Please more Finn – bring him back very soon. I’m sure there is no shortage of ideas!
Another big Finn fan here, and this clip didn’t disappoint! He looks hot throughout, and I thought James looked great as well. Unlike Rod above, it looked to me like this was a harder punishment than some others that we see for some reason – Finn has a good pain threshold and this one seemed (and sounded) a bit hard for him to take. If not, his acting skills are really on point! I loved that he was made to cut his own switch – having to cut and hand over the “implement of persuasion” adds an element of anticipation and humiliation that I enjoyed. I’m still hoping to see Marco send him to get a wooden spoon or the rice paddle to be used in a spanking, maybe after a standard one has clearly not had the desired effect!
I was trying to figure out why Finn looked a bit older in this one, and I think its his close-cut hair. I think he looks quite a bit younger when its longer around the sides and back.
I definitely recommend this video, and suggest going for the HD version if you are shopping. Something about the natural light on this beautiful day made the standard version a bit grainy in some places, and you won’t want to miss any detail!
Thank for the hot video. I would love to see a vid where both Finn and James are caned of switched.
Here you loud and clear Bart. Add an OTK spanking into the mix. Perfect.