The new Hornet video is “Because I Can 3” starring Johan Volny and David Swanson

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WARNING: Hornet videos feature equal amounts of sex and Spanking

Hornet : Because I Can 3

Rather than training with the team one of the players, David (David Swanson) is in the bathroom up to mischief.

Discovered by his coach he sees the boy needs to cool down a bit and puts him in to the bath, running the cold water and making him lie in it.


Maybe now some much needed discipline over those wet shorts then on his bare bottom will direct his focus back to training.



The coach gives a lot of service to his young team and expects it in return. They can play had but have to work hard too. Hard being the operative expression, its time for David to return serve his coach even more.

During this discipline session he can make it a pleasure to receive such personal attention from his trainer. Not all training sucks but this session will have its fair share. Starting at the bottom is always the best place especially if you can work upwards too.












By Bruce

3 thoughts on “Hornet: Because I Can 3”
  1. Nice, nice surprise this Sunday morning waking up to a new Hornet film!! Just purchased. Thanks.

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