It’s the summer term and three more lads have got themselves in to trouble. For the Headmaster and his staff maintaining discipline is always very much ongoing!



One of the juniors Cougan (Elijah Young) has been stealing merchandise mfrom the tuck shop. 


The Headmaster orders a prefect, Henson (Phil Stone) to deal with him. This begins with a traditional caning over Cougan’s tightly spread grey shorts.
However he doesn’t get of that lightly as immediately after he is ordered to remove his shorts for a bare bottom spanking.



The muscular Henson perches Cougan over his knee then after a good session of stinging slaps changes to a more OTK position.



This is a spanking he won’t forget in a hurry!
Click on the READ MORE Tab to continue


Another boy Huntley (new StingLad Richy Casey) had seen fit to vandalise an exercise book with phallic images particularly aimed at Mr Sharpe!



The Headmaster is of course furious and hands the boy over directly to Mr Sharpe for corrective treatment.





This housemaster is known for his scorching spankings and Huntley, a well built member of the school rugby team, has a firm rounded target to aim for!





For good measure and as a constant reminder Mr Sharpes swishy rattan cane is brought in to action to end the punishment. Its biting sting and burning stripes will not be quickly forgotten.








When prefects fall foul of college rules there is little room for excuses. Henson has really not been taking his position seriously and his recent behavior has been more like that of a fourth former.


To bring him round the Headmaster decides to treat him like one. First off he will receive a caning.








After the caning he will go across the Heads knee for a spanking. This is obviously humiliating for a big lad like Henson.





Like Huntley he too is well built with a particularly well rounded bottom and a hand spanking over freshly laid cane stripes will sting like fury!



The Preview video for this release will be posted later this coming week






By Bruce

One thought on “Kiwi College 3”
  1. The standout stars of this video are Richy Casey and Phil Stone – two good-looking lads with muscular physiques and round, firm bubble butts. Both of them responded in a demonstrative way to their punishments, with Phil Stone giving a truly great performance – lots of grimacing, groaning, crying out in pain, kicking his legs, squirming over the spanker’s lap, reaching back with his hand to protect his butt, even moving the chair over which he was laid in an attempt to get away from the cane. Well done, Phil!

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