Some lads get distracted from what they should be doing from time to time, it’s often just nature’s calling card in one way or another.
He’s off to his room to pleasure himself with the latest tube offerings on his mobile.
But…if you are going to do that anyone could walk in …
Click on the Read More tab below to see what happens next!!
Marco catches Finn in the ast and, annoyed that Finn hasn’t put personal privacy first and also ignoring his essential studies, decides to teach him a lesson.
Getting a good spanking from Marco is always hard to take but this one is going to be a real scorcher!
More Hard Times For Finn – in 1080p Extra High Definition
More Hard Times For Finn – in Standard Definition
An HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Finn Harper looks better and better each time. Thanks to Sting for another great feature with the wonderful Finn. A little different in format but very good. Extremely enjoyable watching Finn take off his clothes and reveal his black underwear.
Usually prefer to see the guys spanked over their underwear but without giving too much away this wouldn’t have fitted with the theme. The camera angles and visuals were great throughout and Marco really gives Finn a good OTK spanking (IMHO). Really liked the ending where Finn speaks to the camera – and the lingering views of Finn towards the end. A real visual feast.
Be great to see Finn being spanked in Cycling shorts at some point in the future in the theme of No Police (Rudi Vallance) & End the Cycle (Jerry Bosak)
As always Sting provides a huge amount of variety and attention to detail and please bring back Finn very soon.
How cool to see a video that was conceived of by a fellow-fan! I loved the concept, and the way Finn says “Yes Marco” with his lovely pout – he looked great throughout, as always, and Marco was as firm (maybe even more so) as ever. I do love when there’s a longer spanking scene with a build up to the bare-bottom climax (Act Your Age is still my all-time favourite Sting film), and this one does build, in a quality vs. quantity way, but it was over well before I was ready for it to be (Finn would no doubt disagree!). Marco delivers a real seat-stinger, I’m guessing because Finn’s backside didn’t have a chance to get “warmed up” before the main event, which will no doubt leave him sitting with some discomfort for a few days!
Well done, Luke, on a great story-line, and thanks so much to Sting for taking fan suggestions seriously and delivering quality films time and again. Please keep the Finn films coming!
Bruce, any updates on progress with the new fan page? Looking forward to that!
Hot vid, thank you. More of Finn is always welcome.
Well, you really can’t go wrong with Finn – but this video is another excellent one!
Love hearing Finn speaking in answer to Marco (and also informing us how his bum is feeling after this latest thrashing.