A naughty boy gets what he deserves!
Playing pranks like blocking sinks with toilet paper and leaving the taps running is a sure fire way to get the Headmaster of the college in a bad mood, and to get in touch with your stepdad. Which is just what has happened in this story.
On arrival at home David (Jean Gilliam) is greeted by a very unhappy welcome and is punished firstly with a good hard spanking on his small but firm bottom.
Then to make sure he really understands it is time for a good painful hard rubber soled slippering whilst kneeling in the armchair with each whack ensuring he learns to behave from now on!
Slipper Him 14 – in 1080p Extra High Definition
Slipper Him 14 – in Standard Definition
This video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Also available at Spanking Library
jean is a beautiful boy. hI don’t think I’ve ever seen a StingLad grab his balls during a punishment before!
Lovely sequence and lovely lad with that “innocent” face.. More please. He would surely need the cane at some stage
That slipper works well on a bare bottom .it can give a nasty sting just a pity it should have been used from start to finish on the boys bare bottom