Trouble is in store for a senior lad. Caught smoking again, the boy (New StingLad Tim Ptacek) this time cannot wriggle his way out of being found guilty.
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Now he’ll get a good spanking, a first time for this lad. When it gets down to his bare bottom he’s feeling just a bit humiliated. However it doesn’t end there!
Told to strip off he’s going to get a dose of the leather strap too, another first. After the spanking and now being scorched with this little stinger he’s bound to re think his behavior, well for now anyway…
Introducing Tim Ptacek (to a good spanking)
Sports Report 26 – in 1080p Extra High Definition
Sports Report 26 – in Standard Definition
An HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Another fabulous find. Well done Sting .
Perfect bum for spanking, can’t wait to see more of this boy.
Promising new lad!
Have to agree: he looks a fine prospect (particularly liked that he hadn’t removed all his body hair).
Now that is a boy who needs a lot of attention particularly in those shorts!
Great looking young guy and love that he strips down to his socks for his punishment, hope to see more of him taking it even harder.
Absolutely beautiful young man with a perfect butt just made for punishment. Love his sweating during the spanking. Hope to see MUCH more of him, including domestic discipline (Slipper Him?).
Tim Ptacek is hell-2-the-yes-2-the-HOT!
My, my! What a lovely, super-spankable addition young Tim is to Sting’s line-up of wayward, naughty boys! Youthful, drop-dead gorgeous looks, slim and slender with a beautiful boyish physique, and a delectably pert and cheeky, smackable bottom, he is just perfect!
And he brings to his role a delightful element that we see rarely on spanking websites- ATTITUDE! He positively exudes it in the way he swaggers into the changing-room, lights up, then kicks his bag across the floor! My word, how I was just longing to lay him over my knee! To my way of thinking, there is only one way to deal with young lads with attitude – it needs to be well and truly smacked out of them! And I mean smacking with a firm and heavy hand behind it! Which of course is exactly what James sets about doing to the errant youngster in no uncertain manner, laying him over his knee to discipline him, in a way that says more clearly than any words could, ‘Not such a big guy now, are we, young man!’
When James smacks a boy’s bottom, he always smacks him very hard, and the lads seem to vary in their ability to take what is being handed out to them (literally ‘handed’ out in Tim’s case!). From the vocal nature of Tim’s responses to being spanked and from the way he wiggles around across James’ knee, it does look as though his pain threshold is at the lower end of the spectrum – the way he lifts his legs as though that might somehow reduce the smarting in his buttocks, is a real turn-on! It takes a while before the attitude seems to be getting properly walloped out of the lad – he is clearly angry about being spanked as he is told to strip off! But James knows his job too well for the truculence not to be spanked out of Tim, and as he is sent to face the wall, rubbing his smarting bum, his demeanour is that of a very chastened boy!
I know that some of us have nagged Sting to death about short grey school shorts, but when it comes to sports or PE punishment scenarios, they have almost always brought out a goodly selection of short sports shorts, which all the lads look great in! Tim is no exception to this in those close-fitting royal blue shorts, which seems to bring out the roundness of his bottom! Now, my only bone of contention over this fabulous video is that when Tim takes his shorts off, he is shown to be a committed coloured-underpants-wearer – only your truly committed wearer of coloured underpants would wear those boxer-briefs! These are not just pants – they are pants with attitude! And therefore well-suited to the character of their current wearer! Patterned underpants are a bit of a rarity with any spanking studio. I think the last pair of patterned boxer-briefs we saw a Stinglad wearing were a very colourful pair worn by young Tom Malone when he was laid over Richard’s knee! So it is boner-makingly brilliant to see another boy wearing them, causing me to wonder what other treasures nestle in his pants-drawer – doubtless we shall be finding out! Tim’s underpants are an ideal length for punishment, too, as is shown by the point in the seat of his shorts where the outline of the legs of his briefs stand out as he squirms around over James’ knee! Perfect spankingwear! And he looked so spankable from the fleeting glimpse we saw of the rear-view of him in his pants that it really would have been the gibbon’s glutes to see him laid over the knee in them! However, there are so many other features of this video that has made me fall in love with it! The last scene where Tim is getting dressed and so gingerly easing his underpants and shorts over his smarting bottom is a turn-on in itself! I could have almost felt sorry for the lad except for the fact that he clearly deserved a good smacked bottom for his flagrant breach of the rules! Another delicious development is Tim’s profuse sweating as he tries to cope with the pain being inflicted across his bare bum with the leather belt! I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s a first for a Sting boy!
Tim is a REAL find and I’m looking forward to seeing a lot more of him! I’m guessing that I wouldn’t be alone if I suggested that it would be the cat’s ass to see the lad as a naughty sixth-former, summoned to the headmaster’s office to receive corporal punishment, possibly in the company of the delectable young Finn! But whatever happens, please, PLEASE, next time he gets smacked, could we see him smacked on his underpants?!
Wow! Got to agree with the comments above, Tim really is a great new find for Sting.
This sports kit outfit is just perfect on him – love the snugness of the blue shorts. Fingers crossed for more of Tim. I’d love to see him in the new short school shorts modelled recently by Finn Harper.
I agree with the Dr, pairing Tim with Finn would be excellent – and I believe they are familiar with each other, if a scene on another site is anything to go buy…
Way to break in the new lad, Sting! Wow, Tim looks great and I look forward to seeing many more videos with him. I think we have seen at least one “sweater” before in Jirka Mendez. It was hot then, and its hot now! I especially loved his bratty attitude throughout and the way he resisted and complained and tried (unsuccessfully!) to get James to ease up. The cherry on top was the way he vigorously rubbed his stinging bottom at the end. I concur with everyone else that (Finn + Tim)Marco = Gold!
Welcome, Tim!! And thanks Sting!!