The final reckoning had come for Weaver and Harrington but others too where feeling the sting of firm discipline. New PE master Mr Medek (Dexter) was dealing out his own form of punishment to two inseparable offenders Simmons (Sebastian) and Roberts (Rowan Hunter). Good hard over the knee spankings followed by the slipper and a burning touch the toes caning was this fit young PE masters recipe to cure bad behaviour. Another student, Andrew Peterson (Ginger) is keeping Mr Gregory busy with his tuck shop raiding exploits resulting in a night time slippering over the gym horse.
New master Mr Jeffries (Jamie) also crosses swords with young Peterson who soon finds himself across his knee! New prefects are being made up and one Macalister (Barry) is getting his punishment giving skills in order. His spanking of 5th former James Mitchell (Alistair Cole) seems to be a good start but laying on a good caning is another matter! Joe Templeton (Matt Mills) has managed to rub Deputy Head Alan Harrison up the wrong way again and is summoned to the hall for a birching. The padre ever watchful for transgressors deals with both Charlie (Vex) and Chinese student Lee, his heaving pounding hand bringing a sharp sting to the boy’s defenceless bare bottoms. All in all for the wayward Students it’s a red raw and painful run up to the end chapter of St Datchets Academy: The Epilogue.

Ginger moves me.
the pain
of the cane
is gain
anonymous–Some very nice looking Honeys.I agree the sound both before and after ?I agree the sound of theLeather Strap being put across couple of young Bare Ass is awesome.
Whatever happened to James? I appreciate he’ll be older now, and maybe no longer able to play schoolboys, but is he still part of the “spanking community”?
Hi Mister Todd
You are right, James is still only in his 20’s but, like the rest of us he no longer looks like a schoolboy. He has now moved on to other things in life and no longer makes movies, I don’t know if he is part of the “spanking community”, but I believe he enjoyed his time with Sting, so who knows! 🙂