Our Good Friend Jeff created these amusing festive Christmas cards for Sting and Sting’s fans

Merry Christmas




By Bruce

2 thoughts on “Sting Christmas Cards by Jeff”
  1. At the Sting staff feast facilities, the naked-nates-knaves are divided in ‘serving classes’, course teams with one spanker cooking a course and his bare-breach-brat-boys batch praying to be picked in the blessed case a fancy, complex/new dish requires actual cooking assistance,
    for the ‘complementary contingent’ is consistently condemned to compliantly cope clothless with the cook’s colleagues ‘kitchen comfort’ of copiously covering cringing curs’ crimson-colouring cones in cuts as corporal-punishment-code-conform crackdown-proecure-practices by paddle and pervertibles prior to OTK obediently-offered-orbs-ordeals to order by the other off-cooking-duty-spankers.

  2. On party preparations detail, newbie Austin can only dream of veteran spankee Robin’s ravishing perk-task to foretaste all dinner ingredients, pure pants-on pleasure for the perky public-preferred prime puerile puppy,
    while his humble-hound-hiney-hide hurts hell-hotter-hit half-hourly as he has to handle Rich trying out on his hurdies each of the new Sting season’s spanking stuff (switches, straps…) for fifteen minutes and as long over the knee afterwards always to ascertain the abject-adolescent-arse-agonizing-action-acts affecting as-if ‘asinine attitude adjustment’ awarded in avidly-audience-awaited A-awarded attribute-arse-actions all year!

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