
Tales From the Headmaster’s Study Part One – Hollis and Chambers Go Wild!
Starring Leonardo King and Luke Radley.

In 2012 Sting Pictures launched a new series. Filmed in and around the traditional Headmasters study (Principles Office in the USA) each episode will feature different models or favourite lads all with one thing in common, they are in deep trouble with the Headmaster. However, it is not just the Head dealing out the discipline. When his arm gets tired he’ll be handing over to the Deputy Head, A Housemaster or PT teacher to help deal with the wayward students who foolishly cross his path. The series didn’t just cover the British hallowed halls of learning either; Sting went Down Under, Out to Africa and Stateside USA to assume the disciplinary position! The line-up includes new faces, regular offenders and different Instruments of persuasion but always with lots of bare male bottoms and some good sound OTK spanking to complete the picture.

Episode One is ‘Hollis and Chambers Go Wild’. This starts with a ruckus in the 6th form dormitory. The headmaster is non-too pleased that these two boys continually disobey the rules.

Hollis (Leonardo King) who has reached the end of the Head’s patience is dismissed to appear before the him in the morning.

He is also ordered to report first to the sanatorium to have his bottom shaved in preparation for a good spanking, adding an embarrassing extra element to his punishment.

For Chambers however (Introducing Luke Radley) it’s going to be instant discipline. He is soon laid out acrood the bed and the Heads knee for a good spanking.

A first for Chambers whose smooth firm backside soon starts to redden under the stinging and relentless slaps.

Meanwhile, Hollis’s embarrassing pre-spanking preparation is finally complete

After having had his backside shaved, Hollis knocks on the Heads study door. Having weighed up all the infringements recently committed by young Hollis the Head decides to deal firmly with this 6th former.

The red leather spanking chair is placed and Hollis is soon studying the wooden parquet floor awaiting the raw and burning slaps that will descend on his well raised bare bottom.


If he thinks that it he’s got another think coming! The Headmaster, determined to instil some discipline in to the lad, finishes the job with his well-worn heavy brown leather belt, especially reserved for insolent older boys!

It’s all to good effect and Hollis bucks and cries, the cruel leather inflaming his naked butt cheeks to perfection.

Well, maybe Hollis and chambers won’t get so wild in future but perhaps we all hope they will!



Tales From the Headmaster’s Study Part One – Hollis and Chambers Go Wild


This video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.

Now also at Spanking Library.

Sting Pictures


Title 2257

By Bruce

3 thoughts on “Tales From the Headmaster’s Study Part One – Hollis and Chambers Go Wild!”
  1. I bought this video years ago at full price, and it was worth every penny. Two handsome, athletic models who knew how to give a demonstrative performance – Leonardo King and Luke Radley – were in this video. Luke Radley had a short scene at the very beginning, but it was very good. Leonardo King gave a long, splendid performance. He had a rough day – his buttocks were shaved smooth, then hand-spanked OTK and strapped severely – and his reaction to this punishment showed that he really was in pain. He grunted and yelped in pain, grimaced, kicked his legs, squirmed over the spanker’s lap, and reached back with his hand to (futilely) stop the spanking. His buttocks were just beginning to show some blisters at the end of the strapping. Poor Leonardo probably slept on his stomach that night!
    Highly recommended.

  2. I must agree with Rasputin and echo my extreme affection for both Radley and King — two of the most glorious hand spanking scenes in Sting’s history in one single video! And Leo’s reactions to the strap are among the finest Sting ever captured on film.

  3. I can agree with everything Rasputin said. This is amazing video, especially magnificent Leonardo! There is butt shaving, otk spanking, rapid fire and proper belting. It could not be more perfect. True classic.

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