The latest Sting Remastered Special Price Spanking Video is
Starring Dale Brady and Kurt Maddix
The daily routine when overseeing discipline, especially of the college seniors is never ending. Now two more lads, who should know better, have got themselves in to trouble. Croft (Dale Brady) is constantly creating a problem after lights out in the dorm. He’s really not facing up to the responsibilities of a prefect, and the Headmaster is furious.
To bring him down a peg or two he treats him as he would a junior and applies a long hard stinging spanking to the boy’s bare bottom, stretched out on his own bed. Hopefully the humiliation of this might help him find some common sense. Petty thieving by some of the boys does go on.
With the college situated near a local market town the shops are an easy target. One boy Donovan (Kurt Maddix) steals a transistor radio from one such store. This is very serious and the Headmaster allows him a choice of letting his parents know or getting dealt with by the college. Of course young Donavan goes for the second option. Told to report to the hall a good hard bare bottom spanking is laid on that turns his little rounded bottom a fiery red.
To really make sure Donavan has got the message the Head takes down the Empire rubber gym shoe kept for the purpose. Swinging his bowling arm to good measure he then lays on a real backside burning session. With the slipper cracking down on top of his already raw cheeks this wayward lad is certainly regretting his actions. His know now if this ever happens again without doubt he can Expect to be Punished.
This video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Now also at Spanking Library
Nice to see this video receiving the attention it deserves.