Instruments of Persuasion Part 1
Starring a veritable galaxy of early Sting start including Brett Stevens, James, David, Tigger, Jean-Paul, JayJay and others

Following the recent release of Part 2, here is part one of Richard O’Shea’s ‘INSTRUMENTS OF PERSUASION‘ which traces the known origins of CP from the Greek and Roman periods through to the present day.

The punishment of a Roman student etched on a plate discovered at Herculaneum and the present day use of the paddle and cane in various parts of the world laid the inspiration to the production of this documentary style drama.

Through a series of exciting and stimulating re-enactments the film takes a look at the effects of various instruments used to deliver corporal punishment. All the hallmarks of Sting Studios films are present.

Great looking guys, realistic portrayals coupled with the swish and crack of reality. Highly erotic re-enactments including good old fashioned spanking at its best all set in appropriate and creative backgrounds.



Instruments of Persuasion Part 1

Sting Pictures


Title 2257


Scroll Down for more images from this 1 hour 14 minute video

By Bruce

2 thoughts on “Instruments of Persuasion Part 1”
  1. What a *fantastic* production! All the best that Sting is known for: authentic settings, realistic punishments, and actors that actually look right for their parts (and are native English speakers!). To my mind, David and Tigger looked great in school kit and had perfect bums and legs for their roles. I could watch this video forever. I’d also like to thank Bruce for his selection of very erotic stills: smooth bums being reddened by the cane and strap. I’m in heaven! I do hope we will be able to see such perfectly cast actors in Sting productions to come.

  2. I echo Mr. Smithfield’s sentiments above and champion Sting for remastering these classics in order to preserve their important history in our community.

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