The latest Re-Mastered Sting Special Price Spanking Classic is

See No Evil

Starring Darren, Danny, Danny Walsh and Ed Williams

Remastered for Superior Quality

Only $12.99


The quiet of the night is broken with the sound of crunching glass and scrapping metal. The Geography master Harry Rawlin’s car is involved in an accident only he wasn’t driving it! Now an investigation is launched by the headmaster.

High on the list of suspects are two sixth form borders and repeat offenders Brian Markham and Richard Hawkins (Danny and Darren). However, proof of guilt needs to be firmly established before the guilty get their just, and well deserved, deserts. Hence, Potential witnesses need to be interviewed.

First up for interrogation is young Zac Hastings already in trouble with the head and due for a good spanking. However if he can give some information useful leading to the discovery of the take and drive miscreants things might go a little easier for him. It’s not long before names are being named.

Also on the investigation team is deputy head John Leden his angle of interrogation is via another younger student Paul Lacey (Ed Williams). Using his bargaining skills and also the threat of a good spanking before bedtime, he begins to guild a picture of what really went on.

For Markham and Hawkins the net is closing in, and it’s about to entrap their firm, well-rounded backsides!!

The evidence is in and justice can be done! The boys know exactly what that means!

Finally confronted by the exasperated headmaster, the game is up and both boys

The cocky young men are reduced to bare bottom schoolboys awaiting their punishment.

Even as older students, they will both receive some good old school over the knee spanking

Adding an extra sting of embarrassing humiliation, the spankings will be applied to their bare bottoms.

However, the spanking is just the start!

The spanking is followed with a dose of the whippy punishment cane. For them now with burning backsides it can no longer be a case of See No Evil.

The unfortunate miscreants will pay for their crime with very sore bottoms, on which they will not be able to sit comfortably for the rest of the day.



See No Evil

This video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.

Now also at Spanking Library

Sting Pictures


Title 2257

By Bruce

One thought on “Sting Remastered Special Price Spanking Classic “See No Evil””
  1. I bought this video many years ago, and it is pretty good. Danny Walsh and Ed Williams had two short scenes at the beginning of the video. (Ed Williams he gave a very demonstrative performance during his spanking.) The biggest attractions were the two big early Sting stars Danny and Darren. Both of these handsome young men gave good performances, with Danny giving a surprisingly demonstrative performance during his caning. Darren was relatively stoic, but he was still nice to look at.
    Pretty good video.

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