The latest Sting Special Price Spanking Classic Compilation is
Sting Rugby Club Parts 1, 2 and 3
ONLY $19.99 (Usual Combined Price $66.85)
The films in this three video compilation are
If you want to join the club you are going to have to abide by its rules. This is one of the main conditions that new players sign to. The definitions are clear too, if its deemed necessary corporal punishment will be used to maintain good training discipline. This interesting method of training has turned the club into a winner, the senior coach (Marco) and his team of trainers intend to keep it that way!
Two new lads who signed up recently are Michael (Karl Frazer) and Peter (Tony Masters) These two lads had excelled at sports in school and wanted to continue playing so took the opportunity to join the club. They were fully aware of the terms and conditions that went with signing up and now for the first time will realise what this means!
The two friends settled down as new players but have become somewhat lackadaisical and last week the club lost its match! The senior coach is not at all happy and invokes the club rules. The two are sent to their trainer to be given a ‘pep talk’ This is the phrase used to actually mean a good spanking. Arriving at his office Michael is the first to be ordered to take down his shorts. The big team forward does as he is told if somewhat reluctantly. It’s been sometime since he last got a spanking. Soon he is over the coach’s knee and a pounding of a spanking on his bare bottom gets underway. The well formed muscular cheeks turn a burning red and Peter can only look on to see what is coming his way very soon.
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Now Peter is over the knee while Michael looks on still rubbing his freshly spanked red hot butt. Peters yelps as the trainer gets going. His bare bottom is scorching now as slap after slap rains down. His protruding backside is burning but this is just a warm up next its over the gym horse for a taste of the old leather strap!
The lads can feel the cool suede leather of the pommel horse on their crouches as they bend fully over to take the strap. This is like being back in school but now they are fit muscular young guys who perhaps thought those days were over. Not at all, that old leather persuader is going to wake up their already spanked bare backside with some fiery licks. They have to be winners, it’s in the contract and their training has just begun!
New players joining the club will sign a contact. In it the conditions are that they must fully accept corporal punishment as part of the training strategy. Its become a tried and tested method to keep discipline and the Senior Coach intends to keep it as part of the clubs winning formula.
One of the clubs new signers is Peter (Lukas Cerny) he looks like he’s going to be a real asset to the team. Unfortunately Peter is far too inquisitive and decides to unofficially borrow some cash from Jerry, the Team Captain’s wallet (Kris Walker) Understandably he is very annoyed and invokes his right to punish Peter as per the contact.
The new lad is told to strip and is taken over the Captains knee. He feels a bit embarrassed having to do this but suddenly any thoughts are taken away by the stinging slaps that the muscular Captain is putting down hard on the lads’ bare bottom. Peter can feel the fire growing in his bare backside but it won’t be over till he’s had a good licking face down on the bench with the leather strap as well.
Getting a scorched bare bottom will certainly focus this new young player in ways that no other training method can!
The new Captain himself is not above receiving discipline too. The results of the last away games are very poor and the senior trainer is far from happy. He feels Jerry needs a pep talk and invokes the contract. The hunky Captain is going over his knee!
Jerry strips off to receive discipline and positions himself across the trainer’s knee. A scalding spanking begins, the young Captain needs to be coached somewhat harder than others. When the trainers launches into a rapid fire delivery Jerry’s backside becomes a burning red! This stings like hell but next he must touch his toes for the cane!
Jerry feels the tip of the cane line up on his furry bare backside. Touching his toes like a naughty school boy, bare bottom protruding, takes him back in time but this burning rattan seems to bite much more. The caning is hard to take, the stripes are vivid, Jerry jumps up clutching his now very sore bare bottom only to be ordered back over for more! The coach wins this time and Jerry The Captain must make sure the team does next!
One of the newest young lads to join the club is Johnny (Don Diego) He got in much easier on the say so of the new team captain (new StingLad Joel Vargas) who on sight of the boy thought he certainly had the right fitness qualifications. However Johnny was a little bit prone to temptation and while sifting through the players jackets hanging in the changing room got caught by the Captain. It was his jacket! This couldn’t be tolerated especially from a boy who had just got through the tests on the nod of this particular Team Captain.
What Johnny didn’t know deep down the Team Captain was just a little bit happy for this chance arrest. He liked nothing more than hauling a boy like Johnny over his knee and teaching him a lesson. Now happily he would get the chance to punish this new lads pert smooth rounded bare bottom. Johnny wasn’t going to argue, much, he knew he’d now have to take his punishment if he wanted to stay in the club.
High up on the gym horse the boy lays across the Captain’s knee, his little muscular bare bottom now feeling the flat of his hunky Team Captain hand.
This bronzed fit young lads backside was now feeling fiery!
Next it would perhaps be the rosewood switch, cut at the beginning of the season, that would make a more painful impression as he touched his toes naked after the spanking!
The (very sore) end
This video is also available through Sting at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
I don’t suppose Kris will be appearing in another feature?
I think that is unlikley, the film was made a few years ago, and I don’t think he is still making films
Correction: Apparently Kriss is still available, so it is possible he might make another appearance.
How exciting!
Grab them ankles & stick it out there, young buck!
Is Jerry Bosak retired
Hi Blake
Jerry has a new job in a different industry, which is taking up most of his time. Sting would very much like to work with him again, and he has an open invitation to film with us again when he is free. I can not guarantee that he will be back though.