If you are an apprentice you’re expected to muck in and do the jobs that the skilled workers don’t do like cleaning up and making the tea, etc. One lad in his first job (Finn Harper) decides to try the patients of his foreman (Marco) This really isn’t a good idea.
Just helping himself to a beer is definitely not a winner in the Foreman’s books either. If he wants to keep his job there’s only way forward.
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His boss believes in correcting and disciplining new lads in an old fashioned but effective way
Starting with a good hard, bare bottom, spanking
Then when the bottom has been well and truly sensitized the Foreman keeps a fresh switch expressly for the purpose.
A very sore bottom will guarantee he keeps his job and perhaps provide some of the motivation the lad seems to lack!
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Workshy 2 – in Standard Definition
An HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
The wonderful Finn is back! Great setting and Finn looking good in his work dungarees. Work environment provides a great context and Finn in his tight black underwear is always a major plus….and those long legs. Thanks again for a great paring with Marko and the variety Sting brings. Bring Finn back soon.
a wonderful film – love the setting – miss the tighty whities though
Brilliant performance by both parties! Further to my comments on the little touches in Less of Your Lip, I really liked Finn’s defiance (once Marco was safely out of the room), the look on Marco’s face when he gets back & realises Finn has done nothing, the way he locks the door so they can’t be disturbed, the use of the phrase ‘bend over the chair’ (always does it for me) & Finn’s expression in response. Marco’s spanking & switching are as firm as ever, & Finn’s facial expressions in response are wonderfully expressive. It might have been nice to continue the clip a bit, so we could see how grateful the sulky Finn was for all the efforts Marco put in to save the apprentice’s job once he was safely alone… It also might have been nice to see Finn try to argue the toss a bit, as an apprentice would probably have different expectations regarding the use of corporal punishment than a naughty sixth-former.
Another great one by Finn and Marco – my favourite duo! Performances by both were spot on and it was great to see a new location and storyline. I thought for a brief moment that we were going to see Finn resisting the order to “go over” by the smirk on his face, and later on he shook his head, but still complied. I’m hopeful that one day (soon?!) we’ll get to see these two performing in Czech together so Finn can get more involved in some back-and-forth dialogue, either to try to explain his way out of punishment or to plead his case for a gentler one. Adding Austin Cook into the mix would be icing on the cake, as he always seems to bring a special mischievous energy to clips with Marco. Thanks as always, Sting!
I think in this particular clip Finn looked really sexy especially over Marco’s knee but I wasn’t able to fully enjoy this as I wasn’t keen on the set-up. The OTK hand spanking will always be my favourite but my preference is for the OTK hand spanking to come SECOND after the implement is used (which is normally the case) that way it is more appealing to see a lad spanked on an already sore bottom but because the OTK part isn’t always as long as I’d like it to be having the OTK hand spanking second makes up for that in terms of how severe the hand spanking ends up also there’s a theory in this formula for me especially as I am only interested in seeing the OTK parts of a clip so it’s important that the scene in particular is exhilarating and I believe it is achieved by having it come second.
Another interesting topic that comes to mind for me is this “3 stage play-out” for example spanking on the trousers first (or in this case Finn’s overalls) then the underwear second then finally bare bottom… I don’t think this works too well in a two part punishment clip only because the OTK part isn’t normally long enough to accommodate and I rather much see the spanking done on the bare bottom. However I do think this would work more if the clip was just focused on OTK spanking for example something like “I’ll Never Learn” where there is more time to accommodate each stage if done in such a way. I must admit though I personally dislike spanking on trousers but I like seeing spanking done over the lads underwear for example look at how hot these pictures are of Darren http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-gaCEwUfFs40/VWYHZKsTG4I/AAAAAAAA3zQ/eGJsAUx3Ikw/s1600/02.JPG http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SQ4CWBvascI/VWYHX5B6INI/AAAAAAAA3zI/tgye_XEADHg/s1600/03.JPG you can see his red bottom peering through the bottom of his underwear which is very erotic and also because the marital is thin the spanking is felt more.
Finn looks wonderful but a few things from a personal perspective didn’t work for me but visually this looked great and the OTK hand spanking was good and potentially I would have really enjoyed this vice versa the set-up but I am grateful to see Marco paired with Finn once again.
Ps. I wanted to be very transparent that this is based solely on my preferences for spanking (which can be quite narrow) that aside this is very good quality content I’m sure most will enjoy.
Excellet, both are so well in their roles. I would however think that in this setup hand spanking is unlikely and the master might gave started with the switch, with or without handspanking to finish off