Dorian the Coach (Dorian Easton) has made it clear there will be no smoking in the bathroom. If he catches any of the lads doing it they’ll be in big trouble!
Unfortunately it’s Finn (Finn Harper) who decides to ignore the order. Besides, it’s unlikely he’ll get caught, or so he thinks!!.
How wrong he is, as the coach walks in to find him puffing away.
If he’s not going to pack it in then perhaps a good over the knee spanking will persuade him otherwise
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especially if it starts off on his tight, now wet, sports shorts!
When the Coach’s muscular right arm finally slaps down onto the boys bare bottom he knows the game is up. Okay, okay no smoking in the bathroom!
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Its good to see Finn get his bare bottom warmed again,Tall boys think they are too tall for otk but they will think twice when they see Finn getting his behind warmed soundly
It’s ALWAYS good to see young Mr Harper getting his pants taken down and his bare bottom smacked over a man’s knee! Spanking him on wet shorts and pants would hurt my hand a little more…..but hey, no pain, no gain!
Spanker Dorian serves to offer even more eye candy…..and do both lads look mighty fine in those regulation Sting-issue white shorts, or not?!
As I get older I find I’m less certain of a lo of things than I used to be. But one thing I am absolutely sure of is that I will never tire of watching young Finn getting his pert, cheeky bottom smacked!
And I just find it fascinating the way this drop-dead gorgeous young lad seems to look more naughty and more spankable every time we see him getting spanked! He looks so boyish and cheeky in his sports strip and yet at the same time, I find he manages to maintain an air of youthful innocence even when he’s caught red-handed being naughty and breaking the rules! While I love to see him being strictly disciplined, I sometimes almost find myself thinking ‘Poor little fellow’ as his face contorts with the pain of punishment!
I was pleased to see that Finn didn’t resort to the prudish wearing of white underpants under his translucent white shorts, as is a fashion with a lot of sports types. it was a wonderful idea to spray the seat of his shorts with water, making it instantly obvious what colour underpants he was wearing! And when his shorts are pulled down – WOW! It was just great to see the boxer-briefs he wore when he was caned getting another airing! I do recall commenting on that occasion that I would love to see him laid over the knee in those briefs! If anything they looked even briefer on him this time!
Yet another super-spanky audio-visual delight to go into my folder of audio-visual favourites! Thank you, Finn, my boy! Keep bending!
Hi Dr van Spanking
Don’t let Finn’s innocent face and pained expressions fool you. The young rascal deserves every smack!
Have to agree with Dr van Spanking, Finn Harper never fails to disappoint!
Great to see Finn back in some tight, shorter shorts, that perfectly show off his gorgeous long legs.
Smoking is a filthy habit and one Finn should rightly be punished for – pouring water down his rear before it got a spanking was the least he deserved.
Another excellent performance from Finn with his oh so innocent face.
Bruce, please tell us there will be more to come from him in future? It feels like Finn has now done most of the standard scenarios, but I’m sure we could all think up a few more if the team at Sting are short on ideas for him…
Hi D
I can certainly confirm that Sting plan to have young Finn back and over the knee with his pants down as often as possible. We have not yet run short of ideas as to what to do with him, but will let you know if we do!!
It is always a pleasure to see Finn spanked, but Dorian sports a butt that really begs for caning…
Hi Bartcane
That subject has been discussed a number of times, but I regret Dorian remains a committed spanker and not a spankee!
Wonderful film. Wonderful actors. Wish to see them both for a series of films. Wish Dorian made Finn fetch the wooden spoon (or paddle) for an extra dose. As a life long smoker I wish these young lads were broken from the habit.