Here are the video Previews for the latest Sting Special Price Spanking Classic Compilation
Both of which make up the latest compilation
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For the next three weeks copies of the video preview trailers can be downloaded from SendSpace by CLICKING HERE and CLICKING HERE
This video is also available through Sting at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Scroll Down to view a selection of images from the second video in this Two video compilation
Click Here or on the Read More tab below to see more
Images from the first video in this compilation were posted HERE yesterday
Neither Randal White nor Joey Whyte gave convincing responses to their punishments in “Part 8” – not demonstrative enough for my taste. Randal’s briefs were sufficiently tight and skimpy, but he wasn’t spanked on his briefs at all. Joey’s Whyte was spanked on his briefs, were they were not tight and skimpy enough for my taste.
Evan Ryker, who portrayed “Hawkins” in “Part 9”, is a nice-looking lad, and he looked very fetching in those white briefs as he stood facing the wall while facing the wall while awaiting his punishment. However, his briefs were not tight and skimpy enough, and his response to his spanking was stoic.
Oscar Hart, who portrayed “Briggs” in “Part 9”, was not spanked on his briefs at all, and his briefs were not tight and skimpy enough. HOWEVER, he gave a wonderful performance. He grimaced, groaned, cried out in pain, kicked his legs, squirmed over the desk and over Marco’s lap while being punished, rubbed his buttocks in agony, etc. in a most convincing manner. I wish ALL of Sting’s models reacted in this manner to their punishments.