Announcement From Sting Pictures
Announcement From Sting Pictures. A number of people have noticed the changes in the last week affecting STG Pictures websites. This was due mainly to a site overhaul, the purpose…
Sting Pictures
Announcement From Sting Pictures. A number of people have noticed the changes in the last week affecting STG Pictures websites. This was due mainly to a site overhaul, the purpose…
Getting a Better View For improved clarity and easier downloading, New Sting videos are now in MP4 H265 format. These are usually best viewed using a MPC-HC player. You can…
Sting are back in action! Good news for the fans – bad news for the boys The technical issue which hit the Sting website at the weekend has now been…
Although there are currently difficulties with the comments facility on the new JockSpank blog, you can leave comments here at Feel the Sting, and it would be great to hear…