Dexter frequently plays a disciplinarian in Sting Movies, however, in this December 2011 release it’s Dexter who is on the receiving end of the discipline. Office Agony is also a departure for Sting as it is a modern day, office based story rather the mid 20th Century storyline Sting are best known for.
Anthony Parker (Dexter) works as a junior with Peacocks Accountcy firm. In need of some extra cash temptation gets the better of him and he dips in to the petty cash tin kept in his bose’s office. Unfortunately for him Anthony is not aware that his boss has recently fitted a covert security camera and his every move is being picked up.
Later when challenged as to his activities he finally admits to pinching the cash. For his boss perhaps this is just petty cash and a petty crime has been committed but it has to be punished!
Back in the old days the firm’s founder Major Peacock had his own way of disciplining young employees, by offering them the option of taking a caning rather than being sacked or reported to the police and Anthony’s boss decides to do the same for Anthony
The lad quickly makes up his mind to take his punishment and move on! The police and a court room were not really an attractive alternative at this stage in his career!…………..
Firstly he is ordered to bend over the desk and is given a good whacking over his tight grey trousers.
These then come down and more stinging cuts are laid over his thin white pants.
Now it’s time for young Anthony to bare his red and sore bottom for a final set of painful biting cuts from the old school cane……….
If he thinks it’s the end he’s got another think coming! Mr Braithwaite has his own methods too and young Anthony’s raw bare bottom is soon feeling the stinging licks of his boss’s brown leather belt.

Its unlikely Anthony will pilfer from the cash tin again for if he does he knows full well that it’s going to be another and even harder dose of office Agony!
Hey Bruce,
There is no preview video of “Office Agony”, but perhaps you can provide sufficient additional detail for me to decide to buy this video.
Dexter is one of your hunkier models, thus he is my physical “type”. The underwear he wears in this video is very baggy – not good news. However, if Dexter’s response to his punishment in “Office Agony” could be described as “animated” or “demonstrative” or “expressive” (i.e., not stoic), I am willing to overlook the baggy boxers and buy the video.
Therefore, Bruce, which of the following two statements is true?
1) Dexter responds to his punishment by grimacing, groaning, gasping, whimpering, flinching, squirming and/or kicking;
2) Dexter just lies quietly over the desk and over his boss’s lap and takes his punishment while showing no emotion.
If Statement #1 is true, I will buy the video.
If Statement #2 is true, I will not buy the video.
Please reply when you can.
Hi Rasputin
Yes, I can see that Dexter’s pants might not be quite as skimpy as you described in your earlier comments. That said, he does get some strokes of the cane across the seat of his underpants, which Dexter’s bottom does fill out quite well.
However, Dexter takes his punishment in a stoic manner, he does grunt and grimace, but I couldn’t say that statement 1) applies in this movie.
I should add that Dexter does take quite a hard whacking in this download
LOL. In statement #1, I didn’t mean that Dexter had to do ALL of those things, just some of them. 🙂 However, you said that he grunted and grimaced, which would be sufficient reaction for me. I also have bought a number of Dexter’s earlier videos, and his reaction was sufficiently demonstrative in those films that I think it is safe to buy this one.
Thanks for the info, Bruce.
In that case I hope you enjoy it Rasputin. Dexter does take a good hard spanking, caning and strapping.
Hi Bruce,
I know Dexter is a stoic actor, but he is a good-looking, muscular, masculine, clean-cut guy, and “Office Agony” is not very expensive, so I took a chance and bought the video. I was hoping that Dexter’s acting would be just a little less restrained than in some of his other performances. Unfortunately, that did not prove to be the case.
You are right, Dexter does grunt and groan, but not very convincingly. He also grimaces as well, but again his reaction is so restrained that I don’t get the impression that he is feeling any pain or humiliation. His aforementioned baggy underwear is not very erotic either.
In summary, Dexter’s acting is just a little too stoic for me to really enjoy “Office Agony”. Oh well, at least this video doesn’t cost very much. That said, viewers who like seeing hunky guys getting spanked and who prefer stoic acting will find this film satisfying.
You said that Sting will be releasing another video later this week featuring some new models getting punished severely. Hopefully that video will be more “up my alley”.
Hi Rasputin
I am sorry you didn’t enjoy Office Agony. Dexter has been more demonstrative in some other roles, but he takes his beating quite stoically in this one, despite the fact that he does take a hard beating. However, as you say he is a good looking and muscular guy.
Unless there is a change of plan, the next scheduled release will feature Leonardo, Marco and Rudi, all of whom are reasonably masculine, and Rudi in particular is quite muscular. I have not seen any of it myself yet, but I am told they are all quite “vocal”
Sting are also planning a future release featuring a cast of muscular hunks, however, I am not sure when that will be.
Before that there will be another story featuring young Aaron, who I know is not your type, but who does have quite a large following.
So there are a variety of actors to come
As a great fan of Sting, I have to echo Rasputin’s comments. The baggy white underwear is a poor choice. Please, Sting, bun hugging tighty whities in future to show off a fine round bottom!
LOL. I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels that way about the underwear worn by the bottoms in these videos.
Thanks for backing me up, Anonymous 2. Hopefully Rich and Rob will realize that a lot of Sting customers prefer tight, skimpy briefs and dress their models accordingly.
Dear Bruce,
That was good news about the choice of models for the upcoming video – Leonardo, Marco & Rudi. I have seen all three of these guys in other videos, and I like them, especially Rudi. If possible, please post a trailer video so that we have an idea of what to expect.
Dear Rasputin
I am afraid I misinformed you over the cast for the next release, as there has been a change since I last spoke to Rich. The next release will a Borstal themed story featuring Marco, Dale Brady and Toby Haines. It will be hard hitting though
You’re welcome Rasputin, though for me the white underpants don’t necessarily have to be “skimpy”. My preference is for tight underwear which envelopes the whole of the bottom and really accentuates the roundness of them. Two superb examples for me are Paul’s caning in Grey Shorts (a real gem!) and Darren’s over the table caning from Rob in a Discipline Down Under film. Both wore tight y-fronts and looked wonderful as the fabric stretched around their fine bottoms as they assumed the position for punishment.
I know what you mean, Anonymous. Darren’s caning scene in “Discipline Down Under – Part 3” is one of my favorite parts of that video. Another excellent scene along those lines would be Leonardo’s OTK spanking in “Tales from the Headmaster’s Study – Part 1 – Hollis & Chambers Go Wild”.
However, my favorite scene would be Luke Radley’s OTK spanking scene in “Tales from the Headmaster’s Study – Part 4 – Forrester’s Affair”. Luke is a handsome, muscular, smooth, masculine, clean-cut young guy with a smooth, round, firm rear end. His demonstrative response to his punishment makes it obvious he doesn’t like being spanked – i.e., he is not stoic. He is an excellent example of the ideal model type to play the bottom roles in these videos.
His briefs, by the way, are the frosting on the cake – the ideal kind of underwear to be worn by these guys. They are tight and cover his butt nicely, but they are also have less coverage than the traditional y-front briefs, with a lower-cut waistband, higher leg openings and less side coverage. They are what I would call “skimpy”. Briefs like this – tight and skimpy but with full seat coverage – would meet our ideal requirements, and probably would delight most of the other Sting customers. Maybe Sting will make this style of brief part of the “school uniform” for these lads. 🙂
Bruce, I hope you are reading this.
Hi Bruce,
If you haven’t read my response to Anonymous’s posting immediately above, please look at Luke Radley’s OTK spanking scene in “Tales from the Headmaster’s Study – Part 4 – “Forrester’s Affair”. The briefs worn by Luke in that scene – tight and skimpy, but will full seat coverage – are what I would call the ideal kind of underpants worn by Sting models when they are getting spanked.
A long, hard OTK spanking on the seat of the briefs, followed by the briefs being pulled down for a long bare-bottomed spanking – is my favorite kind of spanking scene. Of course, I also like other positions – lying face-down over a bed, bent over a vaulting horse, etc.
One position and scenario you haven’t tried might be the following: A head boy, prefect, or 6th former (played by Luke Radley, Alex Granger, etc.) has been a bully and over-enthusiastic in meting out punishment to the younger lads, and has made some enemies. One day the young boys exact some payback. When the “head boy” is alone, the lads jump him, clamp a hand over his mouth, and drag the struggling, “mmmppphhh”ing young man to a private spot. They strip the head boy down to his tight, skimpy, briefs, or at least remove his shoes and trousers, bind his wrists behind his back, and gag him tightly. Then they pin their victim on his back, lift his legs up in the air and up over his head so that he is either rolled into a ball or is held in the “baby’s diaper changing position”. Then the lads takes turn soundly spanking the bully both on the seat of his briefs, then pull his briefs down in back and spank him on on his bare bottom. The lads use their bare hands, a paddle, a switch or cane, etc. to punish their nemesis.
Please convey these suggestions to Rich, Rob and whomever else makes decisions about such things.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Rasputin
Sorry for the delay in responding. Personally I love the scenario you suggest, and I have passed it on to Richard. I think it would make a great movie on various levels.
However, it is up to Rich and Rob and, of course to the actors, who might not be comfortable with the role. We will have to wait and see.
The release I mentioned featuring Leonardo King and Rudi Valance (with Dexter) should be out later this week.