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A Bedtime Story
After lights out in any college means its time for bed. Unfortunately it’s also a time many of the more unruly boys see fit to misbehave. The Masters keep a beady eye on them of course and sometimes, if they are misbehaving, they will get caught, and this can result in a very sore bottom.
This was the case with Atkins (new StingLad Jay Sheen)
Atkins was relaxing back on his bunk bed smoking when his Housemaster happened to be doing his rounds.
He knows the rules and although shocked to get caught wasn’t surprised to learn that now he was going to get a good spanking, Pyjamas down on the bare bottom. As yet young Atkins hadn’t been spanked at college and had been fairly lucky in avoiding it. No longer though!
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Now though it would be not only the stinging spanking he’d have to endure but also a few scolding swats of his own bedroom slipper across his already sore backside.

In the second scene Mark Peterson (Jirka Mendez) is taught a painful and embarrassing lesson
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I like the scene with Jirka here is why…
First of I love how he sweats while he is getting spanked oddly it is cute in a wired way seeing how his body deals with pain and boy does he sweat a lot. I don’t know any other spanking model that sweats the way he does while getting spanked I think he has a hard time dealing with pain but after getting caned and then spanked by Marco OTK props to him as it must of hurt his soft looking skin lol.
Anyway the main event… The stand out thing has got to be the setting and the story. I really enjoyed the idea of having two guys present in one scene, one which is getting spanked and one which is observing the other for wronging him and getting him in trouble etc. It’s a very effective and embarrassing set up as if getting spanked on your bare bottom isn’t humiliating enough having another guy watch it’s just damn right pride killing. But I like the guy watching because he didn’t overeact to Jirka getting punished he gave off the right amount of energy, smirking and looks of surprise! Which brings me on to say something else I aslo love when a guys is getting spanked and another is watching and he is thinking to himself hold shit he is getting it hard… That’s hot especially if it is done with Dad/son scenarios.
I’d love this setting with a bully.
The victim gets to watch dad beat his son after bullying a nice boy that would be a hot scene. I noticed that Sting use mobile phones so maybe dad could see some phone footage of his son bullying the nice boy. There’s nothing more satisfying than watching a bully get his comeuppance add humiliation and embarrassment to the bag then you have a bag of hot fun.
Great review Luke
Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed that scene so much. I know a lot of people enjoy seeing a bad boy getting embarrassed and even humiliated whilst being punished.
The boy in the story could be me went to a uk public school talking after lights out smoking ect got y a very soundly spanked bottom over the knee in front of everybody very painful and embrassing?!
So you were as naughty as Jay huh? Time and again Sting have shown the dangers of smoking, but it seems bad boys never learn!
Another in a run of super CP videos from Sting, I agree 100% with Luke’s review of scene 2, which is fantastic, and would like to add that Jay Sheen is a great addition to Sting’s talent pool
Just a thaught…why is jirka having his luscious bum walloped when he could easily be bronzed up and plastered on billboards around the world in designer underwear. Even Hollywood would find it difficult resisting such an incredulously handsome boy!!!…not that I’m complaining ofcourse….like the the other boy watching, although he himself seems quite spankable. I think all were having a very good time in this one excepting Jirka and Jay ofcourse. Jay also does have a remarkably sexy face which is always important to me.
Hi Jonathan, you are right, both are handsome boys. However, it doesn’t matter how handsome they are, or how cut their bottoms are, if the boys misbehave then need a bare bottom spanking, and both these boys misbehaved.
We try not to mention Jirka’s good looks, it might go to his head, whereas was are all more focused on what is happening at the other end!!