The latest Sting Remastered Special Price Spanking Classic is
Starring Robbie, Jerry. Margusta, Dexter and Domonic
To be sentenced to serve time at Colonel Templeton Lee’s Carnfield Institute usually strikes fear and regret in to the hearts of wayward youths who receive it. Two such lads, George Edwards (Robbie) and Arthur Jennings (Jerry) find themselves on the business end of Edwardian juvenile correction after they are referred to Carnfield by the county assizes judge.
During their daily meeting the staff at Carnfield quickly assess the situation and devise a routine of correction to suite each individual new inmate. Young Edwards is known for his repeated rejection of authority and the law and in this latest sentencing the judge has advised in his report that Edwards is to receive special and rather more sever e corrective treatment in a bid to bring him round. Orders are quickly given that this must be carried out and his house master Mr Vladimir Augusta (Margusta) is given the job of dispensing discipline as required.. .He wastes no time in employing a firm hand to the young tearaway’s bare bottom.
This is shortly followed by both the strap and birch all firmly laid on just as the judge had wished. Arthur Jennings too was not to miss out on some stinging corrective treatment and not before long he was experiencing a good spanking followed by an official caning. This coupled with a humiliating cleansing of the body and soul in preparation for punishment all carried out in true turn of the century fashion. Would today’s youth benefit? We’ll let you decide…Guilty as Charged!