In Discipline Diary 1900 Sting paid another visit to the 1900 House of Correction for wayward young men, where the strict disciplinarian Colonel Templeton Lee is experimenting with various inspired means of inflicting heightened degrees of discomfort to the young male behind. This involves various potions and ointments designed to intensify the “Sting” of any bottom related punishment, and in case you are interested those birches are soaking in in sea salt, as would have been the case on the original naval training ships.
Sting certainly added an extra *STING* to the tail in this download! I doubt any of the young lads involved could sit down comfortably for some time to come!

Set in the first decade of the last century, Discipline Diary 1900 is a medium length (37.12 min) download staring James Bruce, Sebastian, Dexter, Andreas and new Sting Lad Jared as various wayward young men, all sent to the strict Carnfield Institute. The unfortunate young rascals discover that the consequences of misbehavior can be very painful. Especially when it is doled out by the strict Colonel Templeton Lee and the firm handed Mr. Steerforth

fabulous five!!!!
ah, the inner channel.
between beautiful bubble buttocks.
now that is getting down
to the bottom of the problem,
excuse the pun.