St Datchets – The Epilogue
Starring Matt Mills, Brett Stevens, James, Ginger, Sebastian, Rowan Hunter, Barry, Alistair, Vex and others
Now to complete the story of Tales from St Datchets Academy comes the epilogue.
First Joe Templeton (Matt Mills) has manged to rub Deputy Head Alan Harrison up the wrong way again and is summoned to the hall for a long overdue birching on his ever tender bare bottom

More comeuppances follow hard and fast also In the original story (also on DVD) the final reckoning came for the lads at Debden Hall, Nick Frazer and Mike Dawson. Frazer received a hard birching from his housemaster while his cohort Dawson was made to look on witness the spectacle.
In this story (The epilogue) the prefects at St Datchets, Christian Weaver (Brett Stevens) and Paul Harrington (James ) also get their comeuppance for their illegal trading activities associated with Frazer and Dawson.
Wiping the grin off his face, Weaver is willing to accept his guilt
He takes a hard caning of which he painfully calls and counts out every stroke!
Harrington the ringleader doesn’t want to come so easily but is forced by the new housemaster Dr Barton, now transferred from Debden Hall, to take his well deserved punishment a birching with the famed St datchets brush birch laid on by Mr James the PE head.
The final reckoning had come for Weaver and Harrington, but others too were feeling the sting of firm discipline.
New PE master Mr Medek was dealing out his own form of punishment to two inseparable offenders Simmons and Roberts (Sebastian and Rowan Hunter). Good hard over the knee spankings followed by the slipper and a burning touch the toes caning was this fit young PE masters recipe to cure bad behaviour.
Another student Andrew Peterson (Ginger) is keeping Mr Gregory busy with his tuck shop raiding exploits
Resulting is a night time skippering over the gym horse.
New master Mr Jeffries also crosses swords with young Peterson who soon finds himself across his knee!
New prefects are being made up and one Macalister (Barry) is getting his punishment giving practice in. His spanking of 5th former James Mitchell seems to be a good start but laying on a good caning is another matter!
The padre ever watchful fro transgressors deals with both Charlie (Vex) and Chinese student Lee his heaving pounding hand brining a sharp sting to the boys bare bottoms. All in all it’s for the wayward Students it’s a red raw and painful run up to the end chapter of St Datchets Academy: The Epilogue.
The gold standard from a golden era! A remembrance of things past and a feast for the eyes! I love the setting and milieu that is so strongly evoked — a world in which discipline is ever present and lurking. The models are so believable that it may as well be a documentary feature. Younger audiences should be grateful for the opportunity to access this enduring, groundbreaking classic of the m/m spanking genre. Cheers to Sting for remastering this gem!
Classic indeed, I remember it fondly. How old is baby doll Matt now?
The actors’ ages are their personal business, however, as the film was released in 2010, and Sting is in full compliance with Title 2257 regulations, Matt and the others from the earlier generation of Sting Stars is all grown up now!
One is never too old though for a solid spanking Bruce. Perhaps you should bring them back? Cheers!
You are right one is never too old for a spanking