At some time all senior lads find themselves in the disciplinary firing line. It’s usually their job to maintain discipline but lapses of course do occur, it’s the nature of an evolving adults somewhat reckless world. Of course it’s unacceptable and an example must be made to ensure the juniors don’t get any clever ideas that they can get away with it too.
So it was with one lad (Ryan Conway) a prefect who found himself reporting before lights out to receive a dose of the birch from his housemaster. In turn the Housemaster is none too pleased that one of his seniors is flouting the rules.
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For his misconduct the birch will whistle down hard on to the boy’s bare backside delivering its ever increasing sting till the full sentence is delivered.
It’s then that the humiliating, over the knee, spanking will follow, something a big senior boy really dislikes.
The Birching Block 17 – in 1080p Extra High Definition
The Birching Block 17 – in Standard Definition
An HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
I was really impressed with the action in this clip.
The OTK HAND SPANKING went on and on and on… It was long, hard and I loved that. There was lack of RAPID FIRE however on top of that birching it was pretty impressive and
% great spanking action!
I can’t express how much I love long hard hand spanking scenes. As the spanking goes on and on the model really starts to feel each slap as it rains down continuously. There’s something so erotic and satisfying about it I truly enjoy the build up and intensity of it all I was pretty convinced at the end Ryan felt that too I just know his bottom was sore and throbbing!
More long hand spanking like this in the future please let them feel Marco’s hand of correction!
Ps. Props to Ryan for taking a proper spanking he always does so well and takes a good amount of discipline to create such believable content.
Great film Birching Block 17. Marco is a great old school spanker. Cinematically, you could also run a few tears down the cheeks of the models after the hard spanking. It was done in the older films.
Those birch rods got right down into a young man’s butt crack. OUUUUUCH!