As any fan of Sting Pictures will know, young Brett (above) must rank among the most spanked bad boys in Britain. So often has Brett been spanked this is the 50th posting at JockSpank to feature Brett and his, usually bare and cherry red, bottom.
Brett gets his backside warmed twice in Troopers in Trouble a Sting download, set in a British cavalry regiment barracks in the middle of the last century, which was released last November. In the first scene, after he breaks army rules he is ordered to the gym in his pajamas and ordered to drop his pants and bend over the vaulting horse for a firm spanking from the Sergeant.
The punishment starts as a hand spanking, but when the Sergent’s hand starts to hurt, Brett discovers that his own carpet slippers can be used for more than just keeping his feet warm.
Troopers in Trouble Download
A link to Sting’s US 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog.
brett’s beautiful
brett’s blushing bottom