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The Video Preview for
starring James Lewis and Marco
Click Here to view the storyline and pictures
For the next three weeks a copy of the video preview trailer can be downloaded from SendSpace by CLICKING HERE
The video preview can also be viewed at Spanking Tube
Taking Control – in 1080p Extra High Definition
Taking Control – in Standard Definition
An HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Where is the footage of the balls and cock I see no sexual appeal.
You can see more of his dangly bits in the full video
Ok just one more question and I promise I will leave you alone
Is there a way to see my order history, I am trying to find out which Trevor Dunst videos I have . I am trying to see which of his videos I have and which I don’t
Hi Tom
To see your order history, you can go to the main Sting website at Log in and then scroll down to the bottom of the page. On the left-hand side, you will see “My Account” which has your details including your previous orders.
Meanwhile, here is a link to details of Trevor Dunst’s videos :
James Lewis is a nice-looking lad, and he has given a few good performances in the past. To satisfy Jack’s curiosity, James’s large “dangling bits”, as Bruce put it, are on display in the full video. I decided to take a chance on this video.
I liked the fact that Marco pulled James’s briefs down rather than making James pull his briefs down himself. However, the rest of the video was a disappointment. James’s response to his spanking was too stoic for my taste. Also, his briefs were not tight and skimpy enough – he should have been wearing a bikini brief or a posing brief.
Better luck next time.
If he broke my TV screen, it would have been cane and paddle. He certainly has the firm butt to take that (and maybe he will then also be more responsive lol).
Good point, Bart!
If he broke my TV I would have thrashed him with a heavy belt Jo