The Video Preview for

The Housemaster’s Study 16

starring Finn Harper and Ryan Conway

Click Here to view the storyline and pictures


For the next three weeks a copy of the video preview trailer can be downloaded from SendSpace by CLICKING HERE


The video preview can also be viewed at Spanking Tube




The Housemaster’s Study 16 – in 1080p Extra High Definition

The Housemaster’s Study 16 – in Standard Definition


An HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.

Sting Pictures


Title 2257

By Bruce

13 thoughts on “Video Preview for The Housemaster’s Study 16”
  1. Ryan is a no from me. Please switch things up I’m getting fed up seeing the same scenarios every month.

    1. Thanks Luke. Obviously it is impossible to please everyone. Personally I feel that Ryan is growing impressively ion the top role, and he seems popular with many followers. However, Marco and other tops will be back soon, and hopefully you will enjoy their work

      1. I absolutely agree about Ryan. I have to say, I do love watching him getting his bottom smacked, but he has, I think, very quickly assumed a role in which he is very convincing: his stature, looks and stern demeanour are just right for the role of a young housemaster who needs to impress on the older boys that he will stand no nonsense from them. And in this video, after, as he says, warned Finn, he has to be seen to be carrying his warning out. He does it in a way that suggests it is a painful duty, but one he will not shirk. His initial greeting to Finn is friendly enough, suggesting that he likes the lad, but at the same time, he is not going to shrink from disciplining him when Finn merits it.

        A great new role for Ryan! While I am on the subject, sometime it would be lovely to hear just one positive comment from Luke!

  2. Another great one! I know many have been waiting a long time to see Finn in those short gray shorts and I’m sure they’ll agree it was worth the wait! Also loved the look on his face when he saw the cane! Ryan looks great here and he really seems to put great swing into that cane and gets some good reactions from Finn.

  3. I just love those shorts Finn is wearing, that really is a fantasy coming true for me, this video not only made my day, it made my year.

    Thanks Sting Folk

  4. I saw the photos for this video yesterday on my way home from work on the Underground. My God… those shorts almost made me faint. I didn’t faint, but my shorts and my underwear suddenly felt like a straightjacket, and I was shifting around uncomfortably on my seat, hoping no one would notice.

    I LOVE shorts like that, and what’s the point in shorts if you don’t let them do justice to their name: make them short! I love seeing men’s legs, but their thighs interest me most. I know from countless forum entries here that I’m one of many fans of Finn, and particularly of his legs and his delicious thighs. A pair of shorts covering those thighs would, quite simply, be wrong. We want to see his legs.

    He looks really hot in them, and the shorts in themselves are more than enough reason to fork out some dosh and buy the full version of this film. I just wish he had been kept in them for a bit longer. But I think that it’s become clear to everyone here that there are LOTS of people who want you to put Finn back in those shorts for us as soon as possible.

    My filthy mind has been working overtime producing ideas and dirty fantasies for more films featuring Finn wearing those shorts…

    On another issue: If you could convince Jerry Bosak to return, I’d love to see him wearing them… with his long hairy legs. The stuff he’s been producing recently (since leaving Sting) hasn’t been anywhere as hot as the films he was in with Sting.

  5. I so agree about Finn’s new shorts. I hope we see more films with him in them but also wearing knee socks.
    I wish I had shorts like that!

  6. The shorts seem to have been a hit, but I can’t say they did anything for me (my favourite costume for Finn was in Housemaster 14, when he looked like the sort of young man who cared deeply about his appearance, with his long trousers tightening nicely across his seat as he went over the desk, though I suppose they could have been tighter). Oh well, each to their own, & I’m sure Sting will continue to cater for all our tastes.

    Aside from that, it was another very entertaining clip. Finn does his trademark expressions very well & Ryan seemed an enthusiastic caner, even if he did allow a little wrapping of the tip. I am sure his execution will only improve with experience. It’s also interesting to see Finn seem to get a semi – I wonder if he does actually have a taste for it, as it does seem to happen on a number of occasions, or if it’s simply one of those things, but I guess we’ll never know.

    All in all, another excellent clip, well worth the money! My thanks & appreciation to Finn & Ryan!

  7. Finn is such a talented actor, Sting should ask him to cry and kick his legs during a spanking, I am sure he would be convincing, and it would be so hot.

  8. Thanks for the hot vid. Fiinn is excellent in and our of the short shorts (showing off hot butt and thighs and some good cane marks), with some good reactions. But Ryan caned him quite hard – he should have these reactions. Ryan pleas keep giving proper canings in future, you seem to like to do it.. Sting please have the young “master” Ryan also get more good canings.

  9. Would be great to see Finn reacquainted with the cane while wearing the infamous shorts. However would also like to see Finn receive a good spanking while wearing the shorts. If there’s a way Sting could work both into the same video – would be a big plus. Finn has a special way of sticking his butt out at just the perfect angle. How soon can we get Finn back…….

  10. I would love to see Ryan Conway get spanked while wearing those very short schoolboy shorts, and spanked on the seat of some short, skimpy bikini briefs as well. Short, skimpy shorts and bikini briefs frame a lad’s buttocks and upper thighs so nicely.

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