A lot of people have been asking, so here we are back to a 1900s style scenario.
At the back of the Police Court in the old store stands the birching pony. Next to it is Tommy Smith (Austin Cook) He’s just had a run in with the magistrate and unwisely was far too bold with him. The magistrate is a local worthy and very much in favour of firm discipline when is comes to cheeky wayward lads.
On glancing out of the courtroom window the magistrate reminded that the season of ‘Urtica dioica‘ is well underway. Stinging nettles, the perfect way to start the punishment of this little cocky whippersnapper!
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After that, the birch of course.
Smith will soon regret his actions especially when his now very sore bare bottom gets a good tanning from the Police Sergeant’s firm hand!
Natural justice perhaps, a little ‘des francais’, but as it should be.
Austin’s Discipline 1900 in 1080p Extra High Definition
Austin’s Discipline 1900 in Standard Definition
A HD version of this video is also available through Sting Raw at Clips4Sale , for customers who wish to use an alternative processor.
Stupendous! A real treat! Austin’s reactions always seem very genuine and the tears are especially hot. I love seeing the pants and underwear around the ankles. (Also, I must compliment the Sting team on an interesting production design in this video.)
I think that I quite liked this I’m not sure how I feel about the nettles (I don’t like the rash it leaves) there are other forms of “discomfort” that I like but in terms of a good harsh punishment it made sense in fact it reminded of some older Sting clips I’ve watched in the past which include “figggin” (ginger) and also “chilli extract” which can be applied to the anus via a stick or rubbed over the buttocks the same with salt which Sting did with Traivs in his 1900 adaption. I have really enjoyed some of these historical themed spankings in the past because the spanking is harsh and stern usually with a very uncomfortable implement followed by a strong OTK spanking this ring especially true with the “Birching Block” series (I have a few personal favorites from that series) I hope Sting can continue to add to these themed clupa using maybe so of the other discomfort methods I mentioned above as they have done in the past although I do prefer the more modern stylised content a few of my favorites have been from the historical settings the action is great that’s what it comes down too I appreciate the good open legs from Austin also showing everything hanging is erotic overload.
Ps. Please add Rapid Fire

to the end of the OTK spanking that would be great I look forward to it but don’t always see it as often as we used to and Marco is pro at it I still remember how fast he smacked Joey’s bum with rapid fire in “Happy Family” I thought his hand was gonna take off. 

As much as I like Austin I have not purchased this download. Personally find the use of nettles a complete turn off.
Maravillosa escenificación, el protocolo ojalá fuera un poco más largo ver el paniico en el muchacho verlo temblar de miedo y verlo desnudandose lentamente. El birch, la ortiga, excentes instrumentos el potro aunque me gustaría verlo amarrado inmovilizado. En todo caso una maravilla.
(Translation: Wonderful staging, the protocol I wish it were a little longer to see the panic in the boy see him tremble with fear and see him undressing slowly. The birch, the nettle, surplus instruments the foal although I would like to see it tied up immobilized. In any case a wonder.)
Can you do nettles with CFNM?
Sting say the had never considered nettles in a CFNM scenario until now , but can’t see any reason why nor