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The Video Preview for the re-released Sting Spanking Classic
Starring: Danny, Alistair Cole, James Bruce. Robbie Estavez, Dexter, Carlos Fernandez, Louie Ashby, Brad and Leonardo King, all getting their bare bottoms spanked and birched.
Click Here to view the storyline and pictures
For the next three weeks, a copy of the video preview trailer can be downloaded from SendSpace by CLICKING HERE
The video preview can also be viewed at Spanking Tube
This movie is not merely one of Sting’s greatest achievements. It is one of the finest examples of m/m spanking entertainment ever made and certainly one of the most astounding casts ever assembled.
That is a very kind comment, HRH. Rob has asked me to pass on his thanks, and to say he is humbled by your words.
Wonderful! Thank you and I hope it brings joy to new viewers young and old.
To think that I wasted time & money to see that lame discipline scene in the movie “If”. Good show, old man!
Well, that is praise indeed! Thanks for the compliment Doctor Garrett