Sting Spanking Classic : Discipline DownUnder Part 3
Discipline Down Under Part 3 Featuring ten handsome Sting lads including Darren, Sebastian, James Bruce and Robbie Estavez Part 1 of 2 The new term is in full swing and…
Sting Pictures
Discipline Down Under Part 3 Featuring ten handsome Sting lads including Darren, Sebastian, James Bruce and Robbie Estavez Part 1 of 2 The new term is in full swing and…
The Video Preview for Harper Downunder Starring Finn Harper and Marco CLICK HERE to view the pictures and storyline _____________ For the next three weeks a high definition, version of…
Harper Downunder One senior student Coleman (Finn Harper) is sitting waiting to be called in to the Headmasters study. A porn magazine has been found in his locker, which although…
The video Preview for Hutchinson Down Under Hutchinson在澳洲 Starring Richard Hicks and Rob CLICK HERE to view the pictures and Story line _____________ For the next three weeks a high…
Hutchinson Down Under Hutchinson在澳洲 Some students just can’t seem to stop misbehaving. 有些学生无论如何都不能停止调皮捣蛋。 This is certainly the case for one Danny Hutchinson (Richard Hicks) He’s back in the Headmasters office…
Discipline Downunder – Smouldering Butts Scene 2: Now it is Mr Bentley’s turn to feel the smack of firm discipline. Far from being a role model for intelligence and good…
Discipline Downunder – Smouldering Butts This Sting Spanking Clasic Stars Rudi Vallance, Xander Hollister and Jerry Henderson Its back down under at Ahorangi College and a new sports master, Mr…
Dilemma Down Under The bad boys’ comeuppance continues After the spanking it’s the strap, with Ryan’s friend getting a far more severe dose for leading his gullible younger friend astray.…
Dilemma Down Under Two lad sit in the Headmasters study awaiting his arrival. Ryan Taylor (new StingLad Austin Cook) and his friend (Evan Novak) who spends most of his time…
A Quick DownUnder In this retro episode down under student Thompson (Oliver Morgenson) has been warned many times about his behaviour. He has chosen not to listen and now is…