The Sixth Formers – Imperfect Prefects (Part 2)
The Second set of pictures from The Sixth Formers – Imperfect Prefects In Scene three, Mark Jackson (Oscar Hart) is a youthful sixth former who always seems to be causing…
Sting Pictures
The Second set of pictures from The Sixth Formers – Imperfect Prefects In Scene three, Mark Jackson (Oscar Hart) is a youthful sixth former who always seems to be causing…
Introducing Justin Maher in a Hornet Production “What the Eyes Don’t See (Part3)” After a workout in the college gym two lads (Justin Conway and new StingLad Justin Maher) head…
A second set of pictures from Talesfrom The Headmaster’s Study (Episode 13) : Unlucky For Some!And introducing New Sting Lad Jimmy Green as fifth former Sudbury Sudbury is a habitual…
More images from Sting’s latest release Approved Education part 7 – they Never Learn The juniors too are still pushing their luck, none more so than young Robertson (Xander Hollister)…
Another update to the Sting Member area – Borstal Boy staring Nicolas Salter Discipline was tough in the old Borstal system and a no nonsense approach was given to matters…
A couple more cute pictures of Tigger from his ClubLads days
Scroll down to view the video trailer for the recent Sting download “Sports Report 2” Starring Darren, Rudi Valance, Randal Pittman with Eddie Savion and Tony Haines laying on the…
With a military setting Part Three of Sting’s “Stingstruments” series features riding whips. A supposed legendary instrument of the junior cavalry regiments, the biting sting of the training whip or…
One of the cutest Sting lads of all time, Tigger has received many on screen spankings. The hand spanking depicted in part one was just the first of four spanking…
In March 2011 sting released Howard Hall Hash Up staring Carlos Fernandez as Yousef Hussein and Rico Jones as David Matthews. When the boys are caught with drugs the staff…