Discipline Downunder – Ahorangi College!
Discipline Down Under – Ahorangi College! is a mid length Sting download, set in 1950’s Australia and staring Damien Drake, Carlos Fernandez, Tom Nuttall and new Sting actor Kyle Wilkinson.…
Sting Pictures
Discipline Down Under – Ahorangi College! is a mid length Sting download, set in 1950’s Australia and staring Damien Drake, Carlos Fernandez, Tom Nuttall and new Sting actor Kyle Wilkinson.…
Featuring three of Stings top stars the latest episode in the Headmaster seriesgoes down under. Smoking is of course strictly forbidden. Two pupil’s, played by Aaron Alton and Pavel Novy,…
Another 2011 download from Sting, was “The Runner” staring Damien Drake Student Simon Peterson (Damien Drake) makes a huge mistake when he steals a mobile phone from the counter of…
Smoking Stings It is widely agreed that smoking is bad for your health, but for one wayward sports student it also stings! For this fit and handsome student (Darren), it’s…
Scroll down for the trailer to the new Sting Download Tales from the Headmaster’s Study (Episode 5) Cheats and Cheers starring new sting actor Kai Alexander together with Jimmy Evans…
The Stars Kai Alexander stars in the latest Tale from the Headmaster’s study Also staring Jimmy Evans and Luke Desmond The latest tale from the Headmaster’s Study (Episode 5 “Cheats…
Stings October 2011 release in Doctor Doctor featured Damien Drake and Sebastian as two sporty young lads who visit the doctor with sporting injuries in the “lumbar” area and get…
Curfew Offers a profile shoot for Popular model Leonardo King. Here Leo has displeased his Mentor by continually breaking a curfew imposed due to his constant Misbehaviour and truancy from…
A second set of pictures from “Sports Report” Links wwwStingPictures.TV Sports report Download
Sports Report which was released in June 2001 features three short stories – plus a little extra sexual content following requests from some fans. It stars Dexter, Carlos Fenandez, Rowan…