Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary – Part 1
“Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary” was released in March 2012. In the old British Borstal System, known as juvenile correction in the US, lads had to wear khaki coloured short trousers…
Sting Pictures
“Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary” was released in March 2012. In the old British Borstal System, known as juvenile correction in the US, lads had to wear khaki coloured short trousers…
Crawford, the School Head Boy (Played by Darren) learns a painful lesson from the Deputy Head Master in “The Sixth Formers – something to wine about” A second batch of…
A medium length (35.2 minute) download first released by Sting in February 2012 was “The Sixth Formers –something to wine about) It’s back to Coombe Hall College and an introduction…
Following on from PartOne covering the cane, Part Two of Stingstruments released in January 2012 looks at that most painful of instruments of punishment the Birch. Probably as well known…
Borstal Trilogy In the legendary British Borstal system specifically designed to re-train delinquent youths three main instruments of punishment were used. These of course were, apart from a good over…
As announced previously Banged Up! My Borstal Days II is now available on DVD as well as the usual download Here are some screenshots from this feature length video is…
One of the cutest Sting lads of all time, Tigger has received many on screen spankings. The hand spanking depicted in part one was just the first of four spanking…
In March 2011 sting released Howard Hall Hash Up staring Carlos Fernandez as Yousef Hussein and Rico Jones as David Matthews. When the boys are caught with drugs the staff…
Some images taken during the making of “St Datchett’s Academy – the Epilogue“. Here Rich discusses a scene with the ever popular Brett Brett Assumes the position! “Now get those…