Sting Spanking Classic “Tales From The Headmaster’s Study 8”
Another Sting Spanking Classic is Tales from the Headmaster’s Study 8 Staring Rudi Vallance, Connor Levi, Kamyk Walker and Jesse Magowen The old saying ‘when the cats away’ (the mice…
Sting Pictures
Another Sting Spanking Classic is Tales from the Headmaster’s Study 8 Staring Rudi Vallance, Connor Levi, Kamyk Walker and Jesse Magowen The old saying ‘when the cats away’ (the mice…
Another scene from the Sting Spanking Classic Crime Spree Staring Dexter, Dale Brady and introducing Aiden Jason, Damien Harrison and Aslan Brutt (scroll down for the video preview) The first…
A further Sting Spanking Classic is Crime Spree Staring Dexter, Dale Brady and introducing Aiden Jason, Damien Harrison and Aslan Brutt The easy route to riches seems to be the…
Video Preview for the Sting Spanking Classic Borstal Trilogy Click Here to view the pictures and storyline _____________ The video preview can also be viewed at Spanking Tube . ***…
Another Sting Spanking Classic is Borstal Trilogy Staring Dale Brady, Toby Haines, Marco and Dexter In the legendary British Borstal system specifically designed to re train delinquent youths three main…
The Second Scene of the Sting Spanking Classic No Stars Just Stripes 4 Elsewhere in the facility the Head Coach (Lloyd Franke) is dealing with a stroppy young player, Wayne…
Sting Spanking Classic “No Stars Just Stripes 4” (Part 1 of 2) The Team Manager is determined that this season will be successful and the pressure is being put on!…
The second scene from the Sting Spanking Classic A Fine Pair You Turned Out to Be Later that week another student Robert Jeffries (Nicholas Slater) gets himself into deep trouble…
Another Sting Spanking Classic is A Fine Pair You Turned Out to Be starring Marco (on the receiving end for a change) Toby Haines and Nicholas Slater. This special edition…
More pictures and story line from the Sting Spanking Classic The Sixth Formers Imperfect Prefects Mark Jackson (Oscar Hart) is a youthful sixth former but always seems to be causing…